Saturday, August 9, 2008


Year 2004: Scene I – 7 pm - In the heart of a middle class shopping centre we see the entrance to a showy Wedding shop with the latest local language movie hit songs being belted out to attract passersby. The music, the fancy lights and the mall employees-standing at the entrance, asking people to step into the cool air conditioned environs of the shop- seem to be the shop’s attempt to try everything possible to compete with its next door competition. At a distance from the other employees is a person dressed as a clown. Waving out at all, especially children, he beckons them to shake hands and/or step in. His wildly animated movements bring a smile to the faces of many children who pull their parents towards him for a handshake. Of course, one or two younger children cry in fright looking at the huge smiling mask. Three college going boys passing by the clown pass a snide remark aware of the fact that the ‘clown’ cannot afford to react.

Youngsters: “Hey Eunuch, hey eunuch, ha does it feel inside? See you tomorrow clown! ”

“It’s just a clown sweetheart, nothing to be afraid of. He is just like you and me, come I’ll show you”, says a father to his petrified 3 year old daughter.

“There’s a man inside...come look”. But the little girl wants none of it and they walk away.

The clown steps into the nearby unlit basement entrance to have a glass of water. He removes his mask and we see a young man whose face and hair is sopping with sweat. Just as he finishes his drink (greedily … betraying his extreme thirst) he notices his employer – a plump paan chewing fair man – driving in. The employer stops the vehicle and motions to the clown to come toward him. Handing him some money,

“Get me a packet of 555’s ...and be quick, we don’t want to lose customers do we?” he screeches away leaving the man in the clown’s suit red with anger.

He goes back and reassumes his clowning. The employer notices this and sends word to ask why he hasn’t left to get the cigarettes. The employee is seen conversing with the clown .He comes back to tell the employer,

“Sir, Ram apologises but says business for the boss and the shop is very important and that now is peak time” and hands back the money given to Ram.

Later, during closing time, Ram is sent for by the manager. His account is settled.

Manager: “Don’t come tomorrow onwards; the clown act is not helping bring in customers.”

Ram does not take the money. He walks away. He knew this would happen.

Manager: “Hey…take your money……don’t show me your back you…you bloody fool” angry with Ram’s attitude.

Scene II: In his room - Ram is seen writing a report titled, ‘Marketing outside a Wedding Mall’. Outside his window he watches an old beggar eating.

Scene III- Ram giving a speech in a small hall -

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Vivekananda Capital Pvt .Ltd has made its first year of profit”. Subdued clapping.

“But more importantly, we have single handedly made beggars and begging a thing of the past in our city!” Lusty cheering and a standing ovation.

“When we started the foundation many people thought us ‘mad’. ‘Start a business or a charity…what is a Social Business’, they asked us.”

“We thought differently. We wanted to make a difference in society, truly make a difference. We could have started a charity, but we did not. You see, the only reason why we have been able to achieve so much is because we followed a different model. The intrinsic weakness of every charity organization is its dependence on external sources of funding .Forever dependent on the whims and fancies of the donor. More often than not, these funds come with strings attached and in satisfying these conditions the organization finds it self not doing what it set out to do. It is either this or shutting down which most charities face, so they have no choice. Of course there are exceptions.

The Vivekananda foundation avoided this and adopted the Social Business Model. We are a business, let there be no doubt. We work for profit yes, but profit not for profit’s sake but for the sake of self sufficiency and growth. We provide small loans starting from as low as Rs.100, to road side hawkers, vegetable vendors and even beggars at a rate of interest just enough for us to make a tiny profit. At times the loan is free! We provide loans to those who have no land, no security, no chance of ever getting a loan from a normal bank. We are ‘Bankers’ to the poor. Ours is a business built on trust and a burning desire to see our country lift itself up. We have found that the majority of the people pay back. We have been able to make hawkers of beggars and small time business women of housewives who were dependent on their drunken husbands. We have achieved something extraordinary and it is time for all of us to ….” just a dream! Ram gets up with a smile and a moist eye. It is 9 am and he hurries to get ready.

Scene IV – Indian Institute of Advanced Marketing - A class room with a discussion on ‘Managing an Advertising Program’ in progress. The elderly but bold and confident professor –

“In developing a marketing program, marketing managers must always start by identifying the target market and buyer motives. Then they can make the five major decisions in developing an advertising program, known as “the five M’s; Mission: What are the advertising objectives? …”

He is interrupted by a knock on the door. A student peers in, almost half stoops in embarrassment as he smiles and makes a sheepish face waiting for the order to ‘come in’,

Prof: “Money: How much should be spent?”

The student closes the door and goes back while the Professor makes eye contact with the first row of students one by one.

“Message: What message should be sent?”

He stops when he notices a gap. ‘He’s’ missing. Irritated,

“Please have this chair placed in the last row.”

Continuing...“Media: What media should be...”

Ram opens the door, “Sorry to interrupt, may I come in please?” genuinely apologetic.

Prof ignores him, “Media: What media should be used? Measurement: How should the results be evaluated?”

While Ram is waiting for permission to enter,

“The advertising objectives must flow from prior decisions on target market, market positioning, and marketing mix. Come in ...”

Ram walks upto his usual place. Finding his chair missing and finding hidden amusement on the faces of his classmates, he scans the classroom for a chair. He finds it at the back of the class. He makes his way there. Meanwhile, in the background…

Prof: “Advertising objectives can be classified according to whether their aim is to inform, to persuade, to remind or to reinforce. They aim…….” He stops…..

Ram has picked up the chair and is walking all the way back to the front of the class.

There is an uncomfortable silence as the entire class watches the well disguised irritation on the Prof’s face and Ram’s nonchalant attitude. Ram places the chair in its original position in the front row and looks innocently at the professor who is staring at him while the class chuckles in amusement.

Prof: “The aim of every marketing manager is of course success. The fundamental perquisite is self discipline. People who indulge in late nights, drinking, partying and girlfriends will never be able to make good marketing people, let alone Marketing Managers. In my decades of teaching, trust me, I have learnt to easily spot the potential successful Managers and the future dropouts….”

Clearly hinting at whom he is referring to.

Prof: “Let us encapsulate today’s lesson. We looked at the objectives of Advertising, they are….” looking at Ram. Ram stares at him in silence, taken by surprise and embarrassed. His classmates have a good time watching him squirm. The Prof looks on with a satisfied grin.

Ram: “The five M’s; Mission: What are the advertising objectives? … Money: How much should be spent? Message: What message should be sent? Media: What media should be used? Measurement: How should the results be evaluated? The advertising objectives must flow from prior decisions on target market, market positioning, and marketing mix. Come in”…repeating the Prof’s order softly.

The Professor’s eyes bulge with shocked anger while Ram’s eyes glow with the soft innocence of youth and the naughty sparkle of victory over the old man.

Scene V – Later that evening - Ram heard talking in a phone booth – “Amma, how you are….and how is...”

4 years later – Year 2009

Scene VI – Ram walks into a pawn shop and sits down.

Pawnshop Owner: “Yes, how can I help you?”

Ram: “I need some money urgently and that is why…” hesitatingly…it is clear this is his first time in such a situation and he is embarrassed.

PSO: Sensing Ram’s discomfort – “You seem to be from a well to do family son, don’t feel bad, sometimes even big business men face a liquidity crunch when they have all their money stuck somewhere and the need for cash arises. By the way how much do you need?”

Ram: “What are your charges, sir?”

PSO : “ Very reasonable compared to what the others charge son, only 0.5 % a day for ‘help’ upto 10,000 rupees and anything more than that only 0.25% a day. I don’t lend more than 25,000 rupees. If you want more I’ll put you on to my friend in…”

Ram: “No, no, I only need 8,000 rupees and I’ll return it in three days max. So my interest comes to …”

PSO: Doing some quick mental arithmetic: “Forty rupees for two days. If you take longer or need more time to pay back…no problem but you must come pay me the interest amount on a weekly basis so I’ll know that you haven’t run away with my money. One more thing…in case I don’t see you, at a stretch, for more than a month, I’ll sell the security, got that? By the way, what have you brought?”

Ram: Nodding his head in acknowledging that he understood all that was said, removes a gold chain from around his neck and hands it over very carefully. “This belonged to my grandfather and is very good quality gold. It should be worth quite a lot and …please be very’s...”

PSO: “Yes, yes don’t worry, I’ll keep it carefully and as long as you stick to our agreement, it’s safe.” Checking it for authenticity of the gold using the ‘acid test’ he is busy while Ram looks on... “Ok, it’s 22 k gold and weighs 20 gms. So, it’s worth a little more than 19,000 rupees by today’s prices. Sign these papers.”

Ram: “I hope you don’t mind if I read it...”

PSO: “Go ahead, it’s exactly as I told you. Don’t worry, I give loans of much large amounts and this is nothing. I trust you, I’m sure you’ll soon have your grandfather’s chain back!” Acting a bit offended.

Ram: “Yes, if my family comes to know that I have pawned it, they’ll never let me step into the house again. Ok, it looks all right.” He signs it and receives his counterfoil which he scrutinizes once again and finds everything to his satisfaction. He reaches into his shirt pocket and takes out a photograph. “I have a request; I want you to sign this photograph of my chain along with today’s date.”

PSO: “What is this…if you don’t trust me take your chain and go away, such a fuss for such a small thing, here take it...”

Ram: “No… please sir, this is worth more to me than its market value. It’s been in the family for many many generations and I’m nervous…this is the first time I’m giving it to someone else leave alone pawning it.”

PSO: Highly annoyed, “Ok, give it” He signs it and hands over the money to Ram.”

Ram thanks him and walks away. The PSO looks very satisfied as he weighs the chain in his hand and then locks it away.

Scene VII: TV News Channel shows that the Government has lost the vote of confidence in Parliament and General elections are scheduled. Seen is an elderly man watching the program in his house. He kicks a nearby object in disgust.

“Bloody prostitutes!” he screams.

Scene VIII: RAM on his way back home bumps into Geetha, his neighbour and a friend’s sister. He has always liked her.

Ram: “Hey Geetha, how are you? Been a long time since I saw you, everything Ok?”

Geetha: “I’m alright Ram, what are you doing nowadays”, in a very unenthusiastic tone of voice.

Ram: “You know me, doing what pleases me. I’m master of my time and I do what ever makes me happy. I’m my own boss…no saluting anybody! “

Geetha: “Ram, not everybody who goes to work is a slave saluting somebody…”

Ram is running toward his room laughing out aloud. He enjoys instigating her. He knows just the right buttons to push…“for that matter, no matter who you are there is always someone higher…shit…this is why I hate talking to you, you you …jobless loafer!” she screams!

Ram - Running up the steps to his room, with a naughty smile on his face, “Ha! Ha! Geetha gets very angry very quickly … poor Geetha…Good Morning sir, Good Evening Sir, Good Night Sir!” and he closes the door and get’s inside.

He stands with the door to his back while he cools down and the smile slowly vanishes from his face. Geetha’s last few words have hurt him, “this is why I hate talking to you, you jobless loafer! Jobless loafer...loafer” resonates in his head.

Scene IX: Ram works for an NGO called Lok Shakti. He is on the phone.

Ram: “Good morning, am I speaking to Dr.Ram Chand?”

Dr.: “Yes...speaking”

R: “Sir, I’m calling from an NGO called Lok Shakti and we are conducting a telephonic survey among doctors of our city with private practice. I have a questionnaire with about 10 questions and it will not take more than 10 minutes sir. Could you spare us some time?”

Dr: “Yes, I have heard about your organization…what type of questions are you going to ask?”

R: “General type sir….you may decline to answer any questions you find uncomfortable”

Scene X: Incumbent MP ( Lok Sabha) of Secunderabad Constituency, Dashkant, is eager to resecure his party’s ticket for the same post and is furious when he comes to know he has been denied the ticket.

Dashkant: “I see… someone younger huh? So all the jewellery shopping his daughter did at my expense, what about that? Has he forgotten that? What…no I cannot understand…I’ll win again easily…I want to talk to him now. Oh, too busy to talk to me is it, Ok then just tell him that what he has done is not good…not good for anyone” and he slams down the phone. A livid Dashkant decides then and there to prove his strength and influence and show his party what a grave mistake they have committed in denying him what is ‘rightfully’ his.

Scene: Ram’s telephone interview continues.

Ram: “Sir…now I have to ask you a very important question. Please don’t mind my asking so bluntly…… but I have no other way of knowing……”

Dr.: “Ask ask what is it?”

Ram: “Did you in any way benefit from the Government’s reservation policy to get a medical seat?” extremely uneasy.

Silence from the other end.

Scene XI: A few days later - A young man steps into the same Pawn shop, as shown earlier, to borrow money. His eyes fall on Ram’s chain which has an interesting pendant attached with some religious symbols on it.

Young man: “Looks like a very old chain”, while handing over some money.

PSO: “Yes, it belonged to the grandfather of the loanee”

He enquires a bit more and then leaves. The PSO scrutinizes the design and then locks it away.

Scene XII: Ram is seen continuing his telephonic interview with another Doctor.

Ram: “Sir, did you in any way benefit from reservation?”

Ram: “….no sir…this is purely for a comparison…for a study….I am not from the press.”

Ram is seen moist eyed after a few seconds of listening to what the Dr. says.

Ram: “Sir….I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make you emotional……….”

Scene XIII: Next morning: Geetha knocks at Ram’s door. Ram is pleasantly surprised to see her.

Geetha: “Hi Ram, I hope you’re not upset with me for what I said that evening”

Ram: Smiles…..but lies, “No”.

Geetha: “Good…I need your help Ram…hmmm I want to vote in the coming elections and I don’t have a voter ID card. Can you help me…?”

Ram: “Oh God, are you saying the ‘jobless loafer’ knows more than you?”

Geetha: “Look, I’ve seen you reading a lot of election related books and I know you know about these things. If you want to help you help. Otherwise I’m going. Big ‘know all’ you are...”

Ram: “Hey, hey come inside I’ll help”.

Switching on his PC and connected to the State Government’s Chief Election Officer’s website.

Ram: “Ok, are you on the electoral roll? “

Geetha: “I’m not sure. They came home to find out about the members of the family but I don’t know if my name has been included. I haven’t checked”

Ram: “Don’t fret, hardly anybody does. It’s only when we find our names missing from the list on the day of the election do we wake up to blame the Government for something which is our responsibility”

Ram: “Listen, let’s check now. After this I’ll take a printout of all the forms necessary to get your work done. Fill it in properly and give it to me with all the other documents they have asked for in another 3 hours, before I go out. I’ll submit it in the concerned department, Ok?”

Geetha: “Great!”

Scene XIV: Ram visits the Pawn Shop: “Sorry sir, I am a bit tight and this is all I could afford to get” He hands over 80 rupees.

PSO: “Look I told you it is 20 rupees a day. You have to pay me 140 rupees today. Don’t give me trouble starting with the first payment.”

Ram: “Sir, the moment I get some money I’ll make up for the shortfall. Why, I’m expecting some money in a couple of days and I’ll pay back the entire loan. I’m in the last stage of an interview. Once I get the job, I will be in a better position.”

PSO: “I have heard the same thing so many times. Look, next week this time, if I don’t get 140 plus the 60 due for this week, I’ll change the interest rate. Don’t play games with me boy.”

Ram: “It won’t come to that sir, I assure you. Next week this time you’ll have your money with the interest and I my chain. Is it safe sir, can I see it?”

PSO: “No, get the money first”

Ram: “Please tell me it’s safe; please tell me you have it secured in a safe place!”

PSO: “Yes, yes, now go away and come next week!”

Ram: “Ok, thank you sir”

Scene XV: Ram enters the local Municipal Office to submit Geetha’s forms. He finds his way to the Election Department and enters the musty smelling room where he sees 3-4 employees chatting, surrounded by hundreds of loosely scattered election roll lists.

Ram: “Excuse me Madam, I would like to include a name in the Electoral roll, is this where I submit the form”

Employee (X): “Which Assembly Constituency”

Ram: “Khairatabad madam”

X: “Mmm, this is the place but you come after 15 days. We haven’t received the notification to start the updation process.”

Ram: “But, I checked with the CEO’s office and they informed me that a ‘Continuous revision’ is underway and that I could submit my application here. Absolutely sure that I can’t submit now?”

X: “If you give it to me now, it will get lost by the time the updation process starts. No information has come to us. You come back later.”

Ram: “Ok thank you!” Steps out into the corridor outside the room and dials the CEO’s office and explains what just happened.

Ram: “…and they are refusing to accept the form even after I told them you told me that a continuous updating was underway. I am not sure what Circle it is but it is the one in Secunderabad opposite Yashoda Hospital. Yes, please go on….99635..50879 E.R.O Mrs. Banerjee, ok, thank you sir, then I’ll wait for her call. 99494…70345 … 45, I repeat 9949470345. Thank you for your help sir. Thank you!”

Ram’s mobile rings: “Hello, yes this is Ram is, this Mrs. Banerjee? Yes, I was trying to submit the forms and your department staff asked me to come back after 15 days. Can I meet you now?”

Banerjee: “Please come, it is my pleasure”

Ram: “Where exactly in the building is your office Madam? I am….” Looking around

Ram knocks on Mrs.B’s door and is asked to come in. Inside, seated at her desk is Mrs.B with another man who is talking to her in a very animated way.

Ram: “Hello Madam, I’m Ram.”

B: “Please come...have a seat!”

R: “Thank you”

B: “Don’t worry dear, I’ll help you. Whom did you speak to?”

Ram: “Sorry, I didn’t ask her name, but she wears glasses and a big Bindi”

B: “Oh, ayah please ask Latha to come here.”

B: “Please give me your forms, I’ll have a look. Has everything been filled in?”

Ram: “Everything madam.”

Man: “You see madam, I have been in this department for 30 years and our people will come here only when they need the ID card as some sort of proof so they can get a passport or something like that.”

Door opens and Latha come in starring daggers at Ram

B: “Amma Latha, you must start accepting forms. See, he has come all the way from the Secretariat and I’m getting calls from the CEO’s office that we are not accepting the forms.”

X: “But Madam, I told him that we have not received any orders yet. Neither do we have the computers required. How can we start?

B: Smiling sheepishly and looking at Ram askance, “No ma, that is an internal problem…the public must not be inconvenienced. We take it when they give it and update it when we have the computers. Please accept these forms. Mr. Ram please give me the name of the applicant I’ll personally see to it that the name is included. Please take this form and give him the receipt.”

Latha takes it and leaves.

Man: “Sir…I have been in this department for 30 years and this is how it has always been. The CEO’s office makes grand announcements which look good in print and on TV. But the ground reality is that a staff of 3 or 4 people have to make sure that all 10 lakh plus people in this constituency have to be considered and the names of the eligible entered. And this we are supposed to do without the computers and the software having arrived. And we take the blame for it….what Madam am I not right?” looking at Mrs. B.

Ram: “I understand sir, I suppose if all of us do what we are supposed to do at the right time, life will be much easier for you and me. Anyway, thank you for your help madam, sir”

B: “Thank you, please collect the receipt and within a week’s time you can expect someone from our office to pay you a visit for address verification.”

Ram: “Thank you” and he leaves the room.

B to Man: “If everybody directly calls up the higher authorities like him, there will be too much pressure on us.”

Man: “Yes Madam, I have been in this department for 30 years and this Internet has made it easy…….”

Scene XVI: Young man enters the Pawn Shop having arrived with a serious looking older man (OM) in his mid 50’s.Grey haired and well dressed, he speaks to his chauffeur while the young man (YM) greets the PSO.

YM: “Hello sir, this is Mr.Manish Seth and he is a very big man in the steel business.”

PSO looking at the OM: “ Uhum” , nods.

The OM enters the shop in a way that suggests he is not used to such dingy places and nods his head in acknowledgment when he is introduced to the PSO by the YM.

PSO: “Please sit down sir! What can I do for you?”

YM: “That chain I saw the other day, do you still have it. He would like to see it.”

PSO: “Yes, it’s right here” While he takes it out from his locked low desk drawer, “But why do you want it…do you want to buy it? Eyes lighting up with greed.”

His question is ignored while the OM scrutinizes the pendant attached to the chain. He looks at it intently as if looking for something. He then gets up and walks back toward his car. The YM follows him and they have a small chat.

YM: Coming back, all smiles – “Sir, how much for that chain?”

PSO: “Tell me, what was this all about? What’s happening and why do you bring such a manner less man to my shop. He did not even look at me… what does he think of himself.”

YM: “Sir, don’t get upset, he is a queer man; I apologise for his behaviour. But you and I are in luck; he likes the pendant and wants to buy it. Look he has given me money to pay you back my loan, here you go… and an advance of Rs.25,000 for me for the pendant.!”

PSO: “Advance of 25,000?!! But I can’t sell it…it’s not mine...Yet. Why is he giving so much? Is he a foreigner or something?”

YM: “No, he is just an eccentric man who like to collect such things. Habits of the rich sir, why hesitate, make hay while the sun shines and pray that you come across more generous men like him. See… for this small favour I did, of bringing him here, he gave me the money to pay of my loan! Give me my bangles back…….my mother’s been looking for them..for…”

PSO: “How much do you think he’ll pay for it?”

YM: “Ha-Ha! Now you’re talking like a businessman. I think you can get even 1,00,000 if you bargain well. And maybe if you give me a cut I can help convince him…what say…hmmm?”

Scene XVII: Ram enters the pawn shop looking tired and sweaty carrying a file and wearing a tie.

R: “Here is the 60 rupees for last week, see you on Saturday”

PSO: “Please sit down I want to talk to you.”

Ram: “I’ll return the money, don’t worry”

PSO: “Not that, please sit down. Are you in need of money? Not a loan… but you look like someone who has seen better times and is now finding it hard to make ends meet. Correct?”

No response from Ram, but he is listening.

PSO: “I want to make you an offer, so listen carefully. My old mother has taken a fancy to the small copper pendant attached to your lovely chain and she has been asking for it like a child. She is 82 years old and a bit senile. I am not able to refuse it to her because she starts weeping like a baby. So….”

Ram: “Sorry sir, it is not for sale! I told you...”

PSO: “Let me finish son, the pendant is worth about 200 rupees at the most and I am willing to make it worth your while. 2000 rupees, ten time its market value!”

Ram: “Don’t you understand sentiment?”

PSO: “Please think about my offer, it’s a great deal”. Watching Ram get up he ups the price, “Ok listen how about 5,000 thousand? I have the money ready…look” And he holds out a bundle of 100 rupee notes to entice Ram.

Ram: “Why is it worth so much to you… is there something about it I don’t know?

……Give me 10,000 and maybe I’ll sell”, just to see how desperate the PSO is.

PSO: “That’s too much; you’re trying to exploit my mother’s liking for it. I cannot pay so much”

Ram: “Ok, don’t. See you next week.” And he walks out.

PSO: “Ok, Ram comeback, look, if you sell it to me right now, I’ll pay you 10,000, my mothers happiness means more to me than money. You’re one shrewd jackal.”

Ram: “Ok then, but only the pendant, it’s not as old as the chain anyway .Lets settle my account. Give back the chain and 2,000.Give me back my interest money also. Let me also check my chain first.”

PSO: “You are a devil, boy, you should join my business” immensely pleased.

Scene XVIII: That evening in Ram’s room: The YM from the pawn shop is counting his share of the money handed over to him by Ram. “Ok, Anjan, your share of 5,000.You did well. Give Khan at least 1500, he is a good man.”

Anjan: “Ha-ha! That greedy pig really fell for it Ram”

Ram: “Yes, now Anjan you go… I have some work.”

Anjan: “You have one hell of a brain Ram, you must start a proper business, you can make crores!” while leaving the room.

Ram smiles and gets back to reading one of his books...The Constitution of India. He reads aloud from it and thoroughly enjoys it.

“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Ram smiles….he likes reading this.

Scene XIX: TV News Channel shows protests being organized by a political party. The same elderly man (as before) is seen walking upto his cupboard. He brings out an old file and searches for one particular paper cutting among the many there. He finds it. - dt. 16th February 1977 .He is seen reminiscing.

Scene XX: A few days later: Anjan dressed differently – Walks into a small shop and is seen collecting some money after a brief conversation.

Scene XXI: PSO lodges a complaint in the local police station.

Scene XXII: Ram, seated at a road side eatery, is playing chess with a friend and winning. Someone taps his shoulder and he looks back to see his former Prof. from IIAM looking at him.

R: “Hello sir, how are you?” standing up.

Prof: “Ram, what are you doing here”

Ram: “I live here sir.”

Prof: “Are you working somewhere?”

Ram: “Not at the moment sir”

Prof: “I’m worried about you; a man like you should not be doing what you are doing. I am ashamed that a former student of mine is a good for nothing..crook.”

Ram: “But…”

Prof: “Don’t say anything boy. You are wasting your life and going down the wrong path, shame on you”

Ram: “Sir you don’t know what happened after my MBA…I also worked in big companies like all my friends but I was not happy...Was that how I was to spend my life?”

Prof: “So you became a bum...?”

Ram: “Sir, I am not happy with what I do…but I only play tricks on people who cheat others…but I am not…”and we see Ram lying in bed mouthing the words. Another one of his dreams.

Scene XXIII: Morning: A small boy enters the pawn shop and hands over the PSO an envelope.

PSO: “Hey, what is this?”

Boy: “He asked me to give it to you” pointing to someone who is no longer there.

PSO: “Who..?”, and he looks inside the envelope to find thousands of rupees in cash!

PSO: “Who gave you this?” The boy has run away by then.

There is a note which reads, ‘Hope you’ve learnt a lesson. All of us can be fooled. Don’t exploit another person’s desperate condition.”

Scene XXIV: Anjan walks into Ram’s room.

A: “Hey buddy let’s have some fun today. I need some cash. My girlfriends are expensive to maintain. Lilly wants to see Goa.”

R: “No Anjan, I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t feel ...”

A: “What? What are you saying? Are you feeling OK? My guru is talking funny today”

R: “Anjan, no more cons for me. That part of my life is over. You know I never did it for the money.”

A: “That was the best part of partnering you! You did all the work and I got to enjoy the money, except this time…why did you have me return the money?”

R: “Look Anjan, you get a good job and settle down, I think I’ve been a bad influence on you.”

A: “Brother Ram, you rest today, I’ll see you tomorrow. I think you’re sick”

And he walks away, closing the room’s door behind him.

Scene XXV: Anjan walks into a road side pan shop.

A: “Who is the owner here?”

Natraj, the Owner: “Yes…?”

A: “Can I talk to you privately….come this side”

A: “Do you know who I am?”

N: “No …?”

A: “Have you heard of the M.P. Dashkant from this constituency?”

N: “Yes I …, who hasn’t heard of him?”

A: “Look, elections are approaching and I’m collecting campaign funds for him and the party. He has asked me to silently collect some funds from people who want to support him”

N: Looking at him with surprise, “So you want a donation huh? I give every time but I have never seen you before, who are you?”

A: “All we need is about 2000 rupees. It’s a small amount but it’ll guarantee you trouble free business for the next five years. Anna never forgets those who help him. I’m his cousin…trust me, everybody is contributing. Do you want to be the only person not cooperating?”

Natraj thinks a while and says, “Brother, I’ll pay, but can you come to my house for dinner. I have a small matter I want to discuss with you privately. If you can help, I’ll make it worth your while. Here is 1000, the rest I’ll give you in the evening; business hours haven’t started yet.”

A: “Ok, good, no problem, I’ll help you. Have the money ready. I’ll come this evening after 7”

N: “Ok sir”

Anjan walks away with a smirk, “Lilly book your ticket!” he says to himself.

Scene XXVI: That evening.

A: “Natraj….”

N: “Aah, please come sir, I’m ready to go, please come with me …we’ll take my car.”

A: “You have a car?”

N: “Don’t be surprised sir, the paan business is good. Good profits and besides I have other businesses too!”

A: Mental thoughts -“Good catch; I must extract more from this fellow. Perhaps this one fool can fund my entire Goa trip!”

A: Aloud –“You seem to be a big man, I think we can do good business together”

The Maruthi van enters the compound of a palatial house. There are a few people seen sitting outside and within the house.

A: “Is this your house?” a bit nervous.

N: “No sir, this is the home of my childhood friend, a very rich man. He is the one who wants the favour. I’m merely the middle man. Please come!’’

Anjan is a bit flustered looking at the place, the cars and the people in white clothes.

Anjan: “Is your friend a politician?”

Natraj: “Come Inside and sit down” in a less respectful tone of voice.

Scene XXVII : After some time….

Not Natraj but only Anjan is frisked before being asked to enter a room.

Seated behind a desk is Dashkant Kumar Yadav, the MP .Natraj salaams him while Anjan hesitatingly does the same thing. Looking at the imposing figure of the man and the security guard behind him he suspects something’s wrong.

Natraj: “Sir, this is Mr. Anjan, your cousin, who wants a donation of Rs.2000 for your campaign”

Anjan, realizing the game is up: “Sir, I’m your supporter and was just doing my bit to collect funds for your campaign. I want you to win this time also sir!” Looking at Natraj, “Why didn’t you tell me you knew sir? I am a well wisher!”

Natraj, looking at D: “What do you want me to do with him?”

Dashkant: “What’s your name?” in a menacing tone.

Scene XXVIII: A few hours later...

Ram receives a call on his mobile.

“Where are you….what happened, are you OK?” Worried, listening to Anjan,
“Ok, I’m coming….where is it? No, I won’t tell anybody…tell me...”

Ram arrives at the MP’s house by Auto and is shown in to a small room. He sees Natraj and Anjan is crouched over a chair; face bruised and with obvious indications of a bad beating.

Natraj: “Sit down there”, he orders.

Ram ignores him and goes over to Anjan and checks his face with brotherly concern. Anjan is in pain and is ashamed to face Ram. Ram’s concern for Anjan slowly transform’s into rage against whoever did this to his friend.

Natraj: “Aay, are you deaf, GO SIT THERE!”

Ram: “Did you do this to him?” in a calm and collected voice.

Natraj: “What if I did?”

There is tension in the air with the possibility of Ram attacking Natraj. Anjan senses this seeing Ram’s open hand curl into a fist. Anjan hold him back.

Natraj: “Ha! Ha! What are you going to do, hit me? Come on you beggar….!”, then picks up the intercom and says, “Sir, he’s here”

Ram: “Why will I do that….I’m glad you taught him a lesson, I told him to stop doing such things….just yesterday”, his rage now subdued.

Natraj: “Is that so?” amused.

Dashkant enters the room and smiles at Ram. Dashkant seats himself down and Ram wishes him with folded hands.

Ram: “Sir, I apologise for whatever my friend has done. He is young and foolish and gets carried away at times. But both of us are your supporters sir, we campaigned for you in our area last time and we will this time also.”

Natraj: “Shut up! He says you’re his partner. Are you guys working for the opposition party? Trying to spoil sir’s name are you...” and he steps toward Ram menacingly…..

Ram gets ready to defend himself, when Dashkant waves Natraj away.

D: “I know all about you boy. Don’t play with my name ever again. I can have the police tear you apart limb to limb. It’s because of dogs like you that our country is going down the drain and I don’t suppose you need a lesson too…hmmm?” looking at Anjan and then back at Ram.

Ram’s rage is back. How dare anybody hold him responsible for what is happening in the country. But this is a controlled rage.

R: “Sir, as an educated resident of my Constituency, that is, the Assembly constituency Khairatabad which constitutes one of the three Assembly Constituencies which make up the Parliamentary Constituency you represent in the Lok Sabha, I also know a lot about my MP sir, more than what the others do…...” Ram waits for a reaction.

D: “ Ha! Ha! Ha!, you have a lot of guts boy. Threatening me in my house. I am an M.P and you… just a …just a bloody cockroach, a nothing, who walks on the road like the millions in this country. I can have you disappear right now if I want.

By the way…what do you know about me?..ha!ha! Natraj, this guy is even better than that idiot”, pointing to Anjan.

Natraj: “I told you sir; both these guys need to be taught a good lesson”

D: “Do with them as you like, I have things to do. I have a meeting with……” gets up to leave

R: “Things like what you have really done for the Constituency these last 5 years…more importantly where the money under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme Fund has been used, for things that you never did. I know how much of the two crores went into whose pocket and for what. I make full use of the Right to Information Act and I keep a good track of all the recommendations you have made to the district collector regarding the projects and your pet companies who usually win the contracts. There is a lot more I know and let me tell you M.P. , I have made a detailed record of all this and can paint a very interesting picture of your years in office. Anything happens to me today, these conclusions of mine find their way to the press and the C.M.’s office. I made my preparations before I got here. Everybody in my colony knows where I am at the moment.”

Natraj tries to slap him but Ram gets hold of his wrist and twists his arm behind him. With Natraj at his mercy, he looks at the MP and … “Dashkant, I know you’ve not got the ticket this time, it’s not surprising. If a member of the public can know what I know, I’m sure your party realizes that it’s better not to give you a ticket. The press will tear you to pieces if I give them the information I have.”

Dashkant is shocked, impressed and amused at the same time. Starring at this bold yet naïve young man, he smiles.

D: “Aay Natraj, take that fellow and go out. I want to talk to …Ram alone”

Natraj is shocked, “What sir, I’ll kill this fellow right now, bloody dog how dare he…”

D: “Natraj do as I say...”

Natraj guides a badly hurt Anjan out of the room.

D: “Come sit here boy” pointing to the sofa near him. “I want to ask you something….but first let me tell you… you can’t even pluck a hair on my head with whatever information you have…ha!ha! ha!. But I like you, I really like your guts and the fact that you know a little about my job. Very good. Now, I know you have a very low impression of me. But it’s not like that. I tried my level best to do good for the people….”and he pours Ram a glass of water.

Scene XXIX: Ram gets out of an Auto with Anjan at Ram’s place. Anjan is made to lie down and Ram attends to his injuries. He then calls Anjan’s house and tells his mother that he and Anjan are going out of station for a few days and that he needs Geetha to bring some clothes and toiletries for Anjan immediately.

Scene XXX: Geetha arrives and is shocked to see Anjan’s condition. She begs to know what happened and Ram tells her everything. Anjan recounts the happenings of the day and is very grateful to Ram. Geetha is angry with the both of them and blames Ram for all the trouble. Anjan tells her that Ram was a good friend and that it was he who was to blame.

Ram, meanwhile, is lost in thought. He is going over his conversation with the MP .

D: “Do you think you can make a better MP than me?”

R: “I don’t know”

D: “Arrey, you know so many things and you don’t know whether you will make a better MP than me?”

R: “I’ll make a good M.P.”

The diplomatic reply is not lost on D and he laughs out aloud and pats him.

D: “You will make a good politician. Want to be an M.P.?”

R, surprised: “Why me?”

D: “I have a few things to prove to a few people, that’s why. I’m looking for a young man in whom the flame of idealism has not yet burned out. And you’re the right person”

Scene XXXI: Ram is seen getting ready. Dressed in his best and looking at himself in the mirror, he is a happy man. This is the best day of his life. He goes back to D’s house. D is pleased and hugs Ram in delight. Natraj is seen... jealous.

Scene XXXII – Ram is seen bidding farewell to his colleagues at Lok Shakti. He has resigned.

Scene XXXIII - A few days later: A large procession for Ram and Dashkant, on their way to the Returning Officer’s office to file Ram’s nomination papers. The formalities are completed and Dashkant’s followers make a big fuss over Ram. Anjan is absolutely delighted…dances along with the others. Natraj is walking along with the rest…not dancing.

Scene XXXIV- C.M.’s office - C.M.: “Independent? …I expected something like this, Ok”

Scene XXXV – Geetha: “Ram, you never told me you are contesting. How come this sudden development?”

Ram tells her the whole story.

Geetha: “And you trust this fellow? I think he is just playing with you Ram? I know you better than you know Ram….all your brains have gone on a holiday just because he is offering you something which I know , deep in your heart, you have always wanted. And this is an opportunity for you to do ‘good for the people’ …right Mahatma?”

Ram: “No Geetha, D is actually a …not a bad man. I haven’t told you everything he told me. He genuinely likes me and feels I can make a difference. In any case, if he is able to make me win, I can really do something after I have power. I am no longer a jobless loafer Geetha, I am doing something and I’m very happy, very proud. I’m sorry about what happened to Anjan, I tried to stop him from doing such things but...”

Geetha: “No Ram it’s not your fault. Each of us is responsible for what happens to us. We have only ourselves to blame. Anyway, I just came to tell you that all of us are very proud that one of us is contesting these elections. You are very lucky; nobody gets a chance like you have. And you don’t keep making me feel bad about what I said, Ok? You’re not a jobless loafer….I was just angry. You just be careful. Don’t ever trust a politician blindly.”

Ram: “Will you vote for me?”

Geetha: “Yes…But you win Ok, I don’t want my precious vote to go waste”

Ram: “I’ll try”

Scene XXXVI – Ram having a meeting with Dashkant.

R: “Sir, I have brought all the information I could find on the ‘net about our constituency. I have an excellent campaign plan and this time we will campaign about all the right issues. Look here at these statistics sir…..” extremely enthusiastic.

D smiles: “Son, we’ll have a look a little later. I have a good idea about my constituency. I did win last time didn’t I? There are some supporters waiting to meet us, let’s meet them first.”

R: “Yes sir ...” disappointed.

Natraj shows them in.

D: “Friends meet our new M.P. Mr. Ram!”

D: “Ram these are my friends, well wishers, supporters, call them what you will but we are all one family and we watch out for each other. They help me during elections and I help them after I am elected”, grinning.

One among the group: “Congratulations Ram, with Dashkant sir’s backing you are the next M.P. of this constituency!”

R: “Thank you sir.” Uneasy.

Scene XXXVII: Ram is shown all alone. He recounts the proceedings of the meeting. He is disillusioned and depressed. What he heard during the meeting shocked him and this is not what he had in mind for the campaign.

Scene XXXVIII: Ram in Daskant’s house.

R: “Sir, I don’t want to be M.P.!”

D: “What! Are you crazy boy?”

R: “Sir, I cannot compete this way….this is not correct what we are doing. I don’t want to be a part of this.”

D understands Ram’s problem: “Sit down, let’s talk”

D: “Ram ...I’m like your father...listen to what I have to say”

D: “When I was ten years old, my drunk of a father kicked me out of the house when he got remarried after my mother died. I worked wherever I could to fill my stomach. There were many days I cried to God asking why I was born at all, I missed my mother…but she was dead. There was nothing I could do but go on. I eventually got into the company of a few boys who made money brewing toddy. I realized early on that life is a cruel bitch. Not a soul helped me, not a soul cared for me. I was a dog…on the road…left to fend for myself. But I survived Ram.

I gradually started my own toddy business and made money. I became a ‘somebody’. Now, forget about food, clothing and shelter, I had ‘respect’ in society. Nobody cared or even bothered about my past. I was rich and so I mattered. That is how everybody is. I realized that what matters is …money, power and self interest. Everything else is garbage. If you have money, you have power and everybody bows before you. If you don’t you’re nothing. Time for you to grow up Ram. Don’t be naïve. I was also like you a long time ago…but I woke up to reality. I got into politics and here I am… M.P.

If you want to make something of your life, listen to me. I am giving you a golden opportunity to be somebody important. If you don’t do what we discussed, you have no chance of winning. You think the other fellows are not doing it? This is very normal…nothing to be scared of.”

Ram: “I don’t know. I know nothing about all these things…..”

D: “Listen to me, this is a great chance, don’t you want to be somebody? Don’t you want people to look upto you? Do you know how good it feels when 10 people stand up when you enter a room? All this is yours; don’t go back to being a nothing….”

R: “I wasn’t a nothing…” …weakly

D: “Sorry…Listen to me, just do what I ask you to do. Money, power, fame and luxury, it’s all yours. We make you win and I’ll send you to Delhi. Here, take this home and go through it. Details of what you get on becoming an M.P. There is only one thing I have to say to you son…I have explained my situation to you clearly….
I ‘m helping you stand because of my own reasons. But what does it matter to you? You are going to become someone and you will be in a position to do whatever you please. What do you have to lose? Please think without getting caught up in emotion. Go home, sleep and come back tomorrow, fresh. If you don’t come tomorrow, I’ll assume you’re not interested. Deal?”

R: “Uuuh, ok sir…” confused.

Scene XXXIX: - Geetha: “Ram, you’ll be shocked. Listen to this…no no just have a look…even a top official in an MNC can only dream about things like this…….I think I would like to be an MP Ram. I think the only things they are not paying for is food! Which MNC gives all this?”

Ram reads the entire page and is seen trying to hide his moist eyes from Geetha.

Geetha: “Hey…..what happened?”

R – “So much is given to them, so much of the public’s money…..and all they do is ….nothing ...Make crores and crores of money…five years of looting ……they should be lined up and shot!”

G: “Hey……you are going to be one soon…so don’t make such a sweeping generalization. There are always a few untainted ones. But I’m sure no one bothers about them”

R – “It’s a dirty game G…a very dirty game.”

G- “Yeah? So? Someone has to get into the filth to clean it….and you will be honest right?”

R – Smiling: “Yeah...” wiping away his tears.

Scene XL– Ram is seen meeting people, he is campaigning. But the people he is meeting are not the general public but people he is asked to meet by D, people who can make things happen in favour of Ram.

Later Ram is seen making a public speech.

“ I promise…I’ll provide jobs for all my unemployed brothers, I’ll bring down the oil prices, help make vegetables cheaper, help build a big Ganesh temple here in the middle of our road, provide free education…..”, claps……cheering….a lot of D’s men in the crowd shouting slogans, lustily cheering him on.

R to sidekick: “Why do I have to say this nonsense……?”

Sidekick: “That’s how we get votes sir!”

Watching all this is an old man who is disgusted listening to what Ram had to say. He walks away in anger.

Scene XLI: Dashkant comes into the C.M.’s chambers.

D: “Namaste”

C.M.: “Please come sir, have a seat.”

D: “To what do I owe this honour of being invited to meet you sir?”

C.M.: “Look, I know you’re upset. But I had no choice. I called you to work out a compromise.”

D: “Why, because my candidate is going to win?”

C.M.: “I know, with you behind him…but we don’t want that to happen. Please support the parties’ candidate. It’s not good for us if our candidate loses.”

D: “Why, because he is your son?”

C.M.: “Look, I was told to have someone young and that’s why I chose my son. Now help him win. Come on…I’ve helped you in the past...”

D: “What’s in it for me?”

C.M.: “Ha! Ha! A lot……”

Scene XLII: Later that evening:

Old man to Ram: “Don’t you have any shame?”

R turning back: “Sir……” surprised to see his former Prof. “Why ...what are you saying sir…?”

Prof: “ I know you’re contesting and that’s good…but why are you indulging in the same cheap filth…the same lies….can you really do all that you’re promising?”

R: “Sir let’s go somewhere and talk….it’s a long story”

P: “I’m not interested in talking to you. I was happy to see a student of mine speaking on the stage and when I heard what you were saying…..blood oozed out of my ears…how can you, an educated young talk such rubbish?”

R: “Sir, I know it can’t be done…but there are some things I have to do to win...”

P: “What sort of victory is that? Where is your integrity man…do you have no shame…’s because of people like you that our country is going to dogs, you think everything is great because you have lots of malls coming up? There are two countries here…one is India and the other is Bharath. India maybe shining for a few…but for most people in Bharath…nothing much has changed. NOTHING!”

R: “Sir, please listen to me….”embarrassed at the scene being created.

P: “Oh shut up, I ‘m ashamed to call you my student” and he gets into an auto and goes away.

Ram left standing on the footpath, dazed.

Scene XLIII: It is dusk and Ram is walking down a lane searching for an address. Looking periodically at the slip of paper in his hand he moves around restlessly. At last he finds the house… old dilapidated structure built a long time ago. He tries to open the gate, but finds it chained and locked. But there is activity within the house.

Ram: “PROFESSOR! Professor” ….. he bangs the gate latch up and down a couple of times. He waits for 10 seconds and repeats the calling out and the latch banging. Embarrassed at having to stand at the gate he looks around and decides to jump over the gate. He climbs up the gate and just as he is about to get down on the other side he hears a noise which stops him in his tracks. He climbs back to the outer side of the gate and looks carefully into the compound. Seeing and hearing nothing he looks for and finds a small stick which he picks up and brandishes in his right hand. He climbs back on the gate and jumps inside the compound.

He walks up to the main door very silently, constantly on the lookout for something. He rings the bell and waits. The T.V. noise, audible from the time he got near the main door, now stops. The light in the window goes off and Ram hears a harsh voice,


Looking in the direction of the voice – Ram: “Is this Professor Gopalakrishnan’s residence?”


Ram recognizes the voice…it is his former professor

Ram: “Sir, it is Ram, your former student from IIAM, I came to meet you. I hope you remember me, we met a couple of days ago.”

No reply, but the light comes on and after a few seconds he hears footsteps approaching the main door as another light switches on behind it. Ram can see that the Prof. is looking through the peephole in the door. The door opens but is still fastened to the frame with a door chain. The old man peers cautiously through the gap looking vexed.

Ram: “Hello sir, I’m sorry to disturb you like this ...I tried calling you but nobody answered...”


Ram: “I called out to you sir and when there was no response I jumped the gate…..can I come in sir?” the uneasiness which made him arm himself with a stick returns.

Prof: “What is that in your hand, something to attack me with?” he snarls.

Ram: “I thought you may have a dog. I didn’t want to take a chance!” at ease now as he is let inside.

Prof: “I wish I had one…there are so many in this country” expressing his displeasure at Ram’s visit and at something else. “Ok why have you come POLITICIAN?” There is venom in this old man’s voice.

Ram: “Sir, the other day you said a few things to me and I wanted to tell you that…..”

Prof: “Come to the point…”

Ram: “…….. Whatever I said, I said because I had to say it…”

Prof: “HAD TO SAY IT”, repeating Ram’s words mockingly.

Ram: “……….I was made to say it….because I was told that was how elections are won. I wasn’t happy saying those things”

Prof: “But you said them anyway…why……votes…votes. So you HAD to say it. You HAD to do things you didn’t like doing… had no choice right? You are an angel forced to do bad things by this big bad world?” his voice dripping sarcasm.

Ram looks at him, surprised at the Prof’s relentless verbal assault.

Prof: “Let me tell you something M.P., we all have choices to make and it is only ourselves we have to blame for the choices we make. You do well, you take the credit…you don’t do well…you take the blame…..don’t blame the world for what your …nobody can really force you to do anything…..anyway….”

Ram: “Sir……..” he feels there is no point in going on.

Ram: “Ok sir, sorry if I hurt you……I’ll go now”

There is no reaction from the Prof.

Ram leaves the house and the door is shut behind him.

Scene XLIV: Ram sitting with Geetha: “And he really gave it to me Geetha. He asked me if I had no shame.”

Geetha: “Oh don’t worry, you go talk to him later ok? He doesn’t realize that sometimes you have to compromise”

Ram’s mobile rings and Geetha picks it up, “Yes, one moment…it’s for you” and she hands it over to Ram.

Ram: “Who is it….Hello, yes sir, now? Ok, I’ll be there”

Scene XLV– D’s house – D: “Ram, there is some bad news; I want to talk to you”

After some time: “So, Ram, I have no choice. I am being forced to do this. Don’t worry about the …..but here is another 10,000 rupees for you for expenditure. Don’t be angry. Maybe next time we’ll really do it.”

Ram: “No ...please….” pushing away the money.

Scene – Ram walking out of the house.

Natraj: “What M.P., what are you going to do now?” laughing

Scene XLVI: Ram breaks down in his room…very very quietly. He looks at his ‘Oath of Office’ speech.

Scene XLVII:

Geetha: “Aaay Ram….Ram open the door it’s 11’o clock… the door”, banging on his door.

Ram wakes up swollen eyed.

Ram: “Just a moment Geetha, I’m coming.” He quickly washes his face and tries his best to hide the obvious.

Ram opens the door and smiles at Geetha.

G: “………What happened yesterday Ram? You were not home even at 11.I came and checked”, surprised looking at his face.

Ram immediately turns away, “Come inside”

They sit down on a mat and he begins to tell her everything.

R: “I cannot run for M.P. Dashkant will not support me anymore. That’s the story.”

G: “That’s why he called you to his house…..”

R: “Yes”

G: “What are you going to do?”

Ram stares at her with puppy eyes that makes her want to console him.

Scene XLVIII: A few days later

Ram is accosted on the road by Natraj.

Natraj: “Hey, why didn’t you withdraw from the election. Sir told you to stop right, what do you think, you can compete without our support?”

R: “Look, what difference does it make? You guys put up my name and paid for my nomination. My name is not going to spoil your candidate’s chances.”

N: “Look, most of the other parties are not contesting because they know our sir’s son will win and that too by a huge margin. I don’t like seeing the name of a nobody as competition. Gives the impression that …….you just withdraw, got that in your head?”

R: “The date for withdrawing names has passed”

N: “Then you come with me and I’ll take you around in my jeep. You tell everybody that you want everybody to vote for Akilesh anna.” grabs his hand.

R: “I want nothing to do with you people. Keep out of my way.”

N: “If I don’t?”

Ram walks away.

N: “You will learn your lesson soon.”

Scene XLIX: There is a knock on Ram’s room door. Ram opens it. It is his Prof.

Ram: “Sir! What a surprise…uh…please come…come!” fumbling for words.

Ram looks for appropriate seating to offer the old man. He is a bit embarrassed to have the Prof. in his room. The Prof. looks around.

Prof: “Nice place Ram….very manly!”

Ram grins.

Ram: “How did you find out where I lived?”

Prof: “When a man really wants something, it is easy”

Prof.: “Anyway… let me tell you why I have come….Eerr..I heard that you are not competing anymore and I wanted to know why”

Ram: “I am not interested anymore. It’s a very dirty game. I can’t do what is ‘necessary’ to win”

Prof chuckles: “Oh! Is this the same person I heard the other day making grand promises? When did this transformation occur? ”

Ram: “ Sir….the people who put me up are also the same people who backed out suddenly. There is nothing I can do now. Nothing”

Prof: “So, you are giving up just like that…without even trying……what sort of person are you….”

Ram: “PROFESSOR!! What is your problem….why are you after me? If you don’t like the way I do things please don’t have anything to do with me. I am not interested in continuing this conversation” Ram goes and stands near a window and is looking out. He does not want to face the professor.

Prof: “Nothing wrong with me son….it is you who have the problem. You have a …you have some sort of a defeatist attitude…you think you’ll lose even before trying.”

Ram: “Who are you to judge me huh? I come to your house the other night and you treat me like dirt and now you come here for the first time in 5 years...even though you knew where I stayed all these years..just to lecture me again! I’m sorry; I am not what you expect.”

Prof: “I know you from four years ago and let me tell you something. I think you are capable of much more. You were my best student.”

Ram is shocked to hear this.

Ram: “Is that why you rejected my thesis?”

Prof: “……….personally I liked it…I have it at home with me. But a thesis in the Marketing subject titled ‘Marketing a political party to Power’ is not something that we……..”

Ram: “You have always hated me and I don’t know why you are after me……”

Prof: “…because I set a higher standard for you….you were different from the rest. There was something in you which I did not like…something I hated, but that same thing made you very respectable in my eyes.”

Ram is all ears.

Prof: “……you were not afraid to go after things no matter how unreachable they seemed and you didn’t take bullshit from anyone. That is why a few of us thought you were eccentric and a few others thought you were exceptional….of course all of us thought you should be kicked out of the institute but you never gave us the chance…you always managed not to cross the line.”

Ram does not say a thing.

Prof: “I just came to tell you that…all is not lost. You are still a candidate and if you really want to give it a shot………I’ll stand with you.”

Ram cannot believe what he just heard.

Prof: “Give the dog a good fight….why do you let them win so easily?”, and he gets up to leave.

Ram: “Why don’t you tell your son all this, why me?”

Prof: “BECAUSE HE IS NOT HERE…with his father.” he barks.

“You… are still here…IN INDIA.” walking out of the room.

The Prof. is seen walking down the steps and just about to turn the corner around the building when Ram rushes out of his room to catch up with the Prof. They are seen having a short conversation and Ram walks back to the room looking happy.

Next day: Scene L: At the Prof.’s house

Prof: “Ok Ram I am going to tell you everything I know in as simple a manner as possible. Even if you already know the things I am about to tell you…don’t interrupt unless you want a clarification…I get very irritated!”

Ram: “OK sir!”

Prof: “India is a Parliamentary democracy. I am…. I don’t have to explain what is meant by democracy…”

Ram: “Thank you for acknowledging my ….”

Prof: “Shut up and listen…..The Indian Parliament is made up of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. Am I correct Ram?”

Prof: “Am I correct Ram?”

Ram: “Yes sir! Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha!”

Prof: “But what most people…including your knowledgeable self don’t realise is that there is a third component or pillar and that is the President of India. So these three constitute the Indian Parliament. It is not just the two houses…but also the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Why do you think all bills have to be approved by the President to become laws?”

Ram: “I never realized it. Mmmmm…this session is useful”

Prof: “Don’t interrupt me…….I’ll stop otherwise...”

Prof: “When Parliamentary elections take place……the elections are basically elections to the Lok Sabha. Let us leave aside the Rajya Sabha because the members are not directly elected by the people. Your aim is to become an M.P. in the Lok Sabha.

Now let me explain…every State has certain number of seats available. Our State has ‘x’ seats.

….mmmm wait, let me explain it now from another angle. You know how the World is divided into continents, continents into countries and countries into states and if you go even further..take this country…..districts, mandals, taluk etc. right….”

Ram: “I have a rough idea…go on”

Prof: “Every State has a State Assembly it the State’s Lok Sabha. Every M.L.A. seat in the Assembly corresponds to a specific area of representation which is called the Assembly Constituency.”

Ram: “Ok, so the M.L.A of an area is the voice and caretaker of the area he represents…..”

Prof: “So, you’re clear. Suppose the State Assembly has 100 seats, it means that there are approximately 100 Assembly Constituencies”

Ram: “Why approximately?”

Prof: “…..Wait! Approximately because one or two members ….depending on the State may have a provision to allow the Governor to nominate a few members…..similar to the Lok Sabha, but it does not concern us.”

Ram: “Understood. No. of M.L.A.’s is almost equal to number of Assembly constituencies.”

Prof: “Now you take 2 or three or even more Assembly Constituencies and together they form one Parliamentary Constituency. For example….Khairatabad Assembly Constituency, which has its own MLA, is a part of the group of Assembly Constituencies which make up the Secunderabad Parliamentary Constituency. So when there are elections to be held to decide the Government at the Centre…Delhi, it is basically a Lok Sabha election or a Parliamentary election. Sometimes both Assembly…State level elections and Parliamentary …Country level elections happen simultaneously.”

Ram nods.

Prof: “So, there are today around 543 M.P.’s in the Lok Sabha. So there are 543 Parliamentary Constituencies in this country. So there are 543 seats available…can’t you win just one?”

Ram: “Prof….. Approximately 543!”

Prof, ignoring him: “Now…all these seats can be contested by anyone from anywhere, with a few exceptions, if I am not mistaken…we’ll confirm this……except maybe a few seats. Also some seats are reserved for the backward classes...these are the reserved M.P. seats.”

Ram: “I know sir….”

M.P.: “The Secunderabad seat is a General Category one. All can compete. So there is your first piece of good news.”

Prof: “Are you less than 25 years of age?”

Ram: “No”

Prof: “Are you a citizen of this country?”

Ram: “Yes!”

Prof: “Any criminal record?”

Ram: “None!”

Prof: “Then you are qualified to contest for the post. There is your second piece of good news. What are you waiting for boy?”

Ram: “It does not matter that I am not a member of any political party right?”

Prof: “No it does not matter; you have the right to compete as an individual …as an independent candidate! Third good news…...”

Ram: “Prof….it’s not all that……..”

Prof: “You qualify, you are already registered as a contestant, somebody has already paid the 10,000 rupee deposit and you have nothing to lose. Sounds good doesn’t it?!”

Ram: “Sir…..let’s talk about the challenges….how about a SWOT Analysis like we were taught in the institute?”

Prof: “You remember huh? Ok….strengths first……like I said…..1.)You have no reputation or for that matter anything to lose…so there is no pressure on you.2) you are a crazy person who is capable of doing anything if you think it is right 3) you have ME!

Weakness: 1) You don’t believe you can win 2) You don’t have an army of boot lickers to help you campaign 3) I think you are scared …I don’t know of what!

Ram: “No...”

Prof: “Threats, only one…..there is a possibility of you being harassed by the competition’s dogs. You have to be careful.”

Ram: “Sir Listen…I am not afraid . . . I’m ready to fig...”

Prof: “Now listen very carefully to what I’m about to say. This one statistic should help convince you that you have a good chance. This is the OPPORTUNITY.”

Dashkant Yadav our present MP won the last election by getting around 2 lakh votes. The number of people who voted in the election was approximately 5 lakhs. So..he won inspite of not even getting half of the total votes cast. Now…..there are approximately 10 lakh registered voters in the Constituency and only 5 lakh turned up…..only half turned up!!!”

Ram: “So Dashkant won with the support of just around 1/5 th of the registered voters.”

Prof: “Right Ram….you see my point now. Doesn’t this tell you something Ram…something so encouraging to someone like you who thinks you have no chance…..Most of these asses who get elected get there without even a quarter of the registered electors endorsing them!”

Ram: “I never thought of it like that..very true sir!”

Prof: “Now who’s to blame? The person getting elected…? No…..! It is the people…they are even bigger …dogs...all they do is to sit on their backsides and keep barking…bow bow bow…complain….cry…howl but will not move their collective arses to vote!”

Ram: “Sir, but you know what they say….it does not matter whom you vote for….they are all the same. So they are disgusted with the entire process.”

Prof: “I AM SICK OF LISTENING TO THIS BULLSHIT DOWN THE YEARS!! If the fellow in power is getting away with whatever he pleases it is these dogs - who vote and don’t vote -who are to blame. Why don’t they monitor what is happening, why don’t they organize protests, why don’t they question their MLA’s and M.P.’s……they have to be after their representatives…..does anybody do it…no …..not a single fool is bothered unless the problem comes knocking at their door. Our people’s attitude is to blame….nothing else. The root cause of all that is wrong in our country is us. Don’t blame the politicians…after all what will the poor fellow do but loot and be corrupt…doesn’t he have to pay back the financiers of his previous election and save up for the next? Honestly you tell me….for the people to even know you exist as a candidate…you need to advertise saying…there is a person called Ram...he is competing for this post…vote for him……do you have your own TV channel or Newspaper? You have to advertise…to campaign….where do you get the money…from your pocket? No….anyway look…all I am saying is that if all the dogs feel it’s no use, then this country will definitely go to dogs.

I am here talking to you because I feel there is a chance. All that is required is for one person to set an example. Then watch all the others follow your example. After all our dogs are the best in the world in aping others….but the last to try something daring... My country men!!”

He spits on the floor in contempt. I’m ashamed of my countrymen.” He is virtually frothing at the mouth.

Ram: “Then I will also fall into the same trap sir! I need somebody to finance my campaign. I know that spending money does not guarantee me victory but not spending money guarantees me defeat. And if I win… Then my financier will expect favours and I will have to give in to his requests…I become corrupt and become just like the others….”

Prof.: “No. . .Ram…..there are ways……you should be able to think of ways…there are things that can be done without having too much money…but that comes later….I need you to first believe you have an honest chance at this”

Ram: “Sir…I am more confident now than I was when we started this class….but there is one thing I don’t understand”

Prof nods to ask what that is.

Ram: “Why are you suddenly so interested in my winning?”

Prof: “……..because your opponent is supported by Dashkant”

Scene LI: Outside Ram’s room

Ram: “So are you guys with me?”

Geetha…sitting next to Anjan: “What sort of a question is that. I told you I am voting for you and I definitely do not want to see my candidate lose. I’ll help you win.”

Anjan: “Yes…me too!!”

Ram: “Ok, let us have lunch together and I’ll explain my plan to you”.

Scene LII: Ram is drawing a chart on the board.

Ram: “Ok gang, we have two challenges….1) Reaching out to all the eligible voters in our constituency and letting them know we exist and 2) Convincing them to vote for us. These two things are basically what campaigning is about.”

Anjan: “That’s all?!” mockingly.

Ram: “Come on…I’m just trying to simplify things here!

Ok…let’s take Challenge no. 1. To do this we face the following sub challenges:

a) We need to know exactly where our territory begins and where it ends…we need the Assembly Constituency maps of all those AC.’s that make up the Secunderabad Parliamentary Constituency and all the other detailed maps our Municipal Offices can supply. I think we need something called Ward Maps. I’ll check and tell you soon..

b) We need to get hold of the Voters list for our constituency from the Secunderabad Municipal Office.

c) Getting our message across through posters, pamphlets, TV coverage, Radio coverage and if possible face to face interaction.

Clubbed to this sub challenge is our Challenge no. 2, what do we say or do to get votes?

See… our main advantage is…we are dealing with the city where we have a relatively high educated population …but one that is also increasingly uninterested in voting. We have huge untapped numbers. The local politicians don’t even go that side because they are convinced it is a waste of their time and effort. That’s where we will strike. This sleeping community of voters is twice the number of votes the winning candidate got last time.”

Anjan: “Sound’s good….where is the money for the campaign? Do you have any industrialist friend?”

Geetha: “That is our BIGGEST challenge. We have no money!”

Ram: “But we have each other. And there are hundreds if not thousands our age who will I’m sure like to see someone young, educated and handsome like me become M.P.!”, he smiles…knowing this will irritate Geetha.

Geetha: “You just lost my vote Romeo!”

Ram: “No seriously….. We have to form a big group and distribute work. What we lack is the reach of these political parties and that is nothing but man power….so we get ourselves an election campaign group...a group of volunteers who will fight it out…..people not working for money but want to do something different and make something shocking happen …we need volunteers…. volunteers.

We have exactly 7 weeks and 6 days. This is what we will do”

Scene LIII: At the Prof.’s house.

Ram: “Sir, I have some good operational ideas for the campaign. What we need to discuss is the issues we are going to raise and the slogans we can use. How are we going to convince people to vote for us?”

Prof.: “Ha! How do you fight money and booze? How do you fight with just words? There are many things you can talk about Ram…words which will automatically get people’s attention…these are the things you need to talk about. Not only will it get you attention and support of the majority of the people…but it will also get you free publicity……what about ‘why reservation even for well to do citizens just because of their caste and why no reservation for poor citizens just because of, again, their caste? Why should cast be the criteria? Why should we have to pay for the Haj when there are so many starving mouths? If there is so much money why can’t the government subsidise my trip to Kasi and his trip to Jerusalem? Why this discrimination?”

Ram: “Sir, I am just a simple man with an unsimple task! I would like to avoid controversy. These topics are of a very sensitive nature and I don’t want to project the wrong image. My opponents will twist whatever I say and raise passions against me…somehow I don’t think I should start like this. All I want is to ask the people choose their candidates based on the correct criteria”

Prof: “Ram…I appreciate you wanting to play it safe…but you have no money…nor do you have time. I know what I am asking you to do is risky…but it will pay off. Trust me...if you asking and begging…all you’ll get is people’s sympathy…not their votes. You need to be strong and bold….then they will follow you like goats and nod their heads to everything you say. I know these people….dogs…that’s what they are.”

Ram: “Sir, the country has changed since….”

Prof: “Nothing has changed….it’s just the same. It’ll always be the same”, he snarls.

Prof: “Anyway, it’s upto you to decide what you want the slogan and the campaign to focus on but remember….be direct, simple and don’t talk about too many things and dilute the message. Get their attention…wake them up…they are too caught up in their own little insignificant lives…shake them….get them……otherwise they will continue to sleep.”

Scene LIV: Around 4 in the morning- Ram comes down the steps and gets on to his racing cycle. He cycles around the surrounding areas..just looking around…planning…assessing….looking. This goes on for a few hours and he notices the early birds as the city slowly wakes up. He particularly notices the Milk men and the Paper boys going about their daily routine …visiting all the houses….

Scene LV: Ram, Geetha, Anjan and the Prof are on their way to meet the Printer known to the Prof.

Prof: “So Ram….you tell him what you want…don’t worry about the money...he will give me a good rate and till I can afford it I’ll help. In the meanwhile you do your part. As much as possible try to get things done without money being involved. Sounds so funny in today’s world huh…even water has to be bought nowadays…what are we coming to…once upon a time…when I was a kid we all used to live together in my grandfathers palatial bungalow. Every summer, I remember…my grandmother used to make fresh buttermilk everyday and place it in a big earthen pot outside our compound so all the passersby could have a cool refreshing drink during the hot summer. That was another age…just like a dream……”

Realising he is reminiscing…… “Get some stupid kids to volunteer by offering them ‘Summer Projects’ in Marketing. He! He! Just make it sound fancy and our people will fall for anything!”

Ram: “Such people exist even today sir….but very few probably...”

Prof: “ No… nobody is bothered …even about their own parents…..there is nothing worse than parents in their old age living alone…after a stage material comforts don’t matter”…he is thinking about his son in the US.

They arrive at the Printer’s place and the printer Sham is waiting to receive the Prof.

Shyam: “Hello sir….good to see you after so long…..”

Prof: “O.k. you rascal…what are you going to charge me per pamphlet?”

Prof: “He is my old student Ram…he was naughtier than you. No…you were not naughty. You were...”

Shyam: “May I see the design...” shaking hands with Ram.

Ram hands over the hand drawn design and Sham starts smiling. The Prof. looks at the design and lashes out with disgust.

Prof: “Is this the symbol you got!!”

Ram: “Well I picked it from the 70 free symbols shown to me when I filed my papers. It has shock value!” ….pleased with his choice.

Prof: “Ram you……incase your brains are not working or something... Made a big mistake I’m sorry to say…..this is not what our people will……

Shyam: “No sir...he has a point…this is a very attention grabbing symbol….who wants the same boring election symbols…this is great...I can give it a bright pink or red colour and ….”

Prof: “You youngsters have no shame…..what uncouth taste..!”

Geetha and Anjan burst out laughing.

Shyam: “Please sir...let us go inside and finalise everything”

Scene LVI: On their way back in the car, there is an awkward silence. The Prof. is upset and everyone is looking at each other…trying to break the silence……they are on a bridge when they see a bunch of people assembled at the edge and peering down at something…..

Anjan: “Hey… what is happening there?”

The Prof. turns to look and says nonchalantly.. “Probably somebody bathing…. Most probably a buffalo…….! Our people are jobless!”

Geetha to Ram: “What’s his problem?” whispering.

Scene LVII: An Engineering College – Ram is seated inside a room waiting for the Secretary.

He is shown in.

Ram: “May I?”

Secretary: “Please….have a seat young man”

Ram sits down.

S: “Yes, how can I help you?”

Ram: “Sir, my name is Ram. I am competing as a candidate for the M.P.’s post from the Secunderabad Constituency in the coming elections.”

Secretary, amused: “M.P.? Very good…how old are you?”

Ram: “29 sir….and I am going to all the colleges in this constituency to speak to the student community. You see sir...”

Secretary: “So you want to campaign here…?”

Ram: “Actually sir...all I need is 5 minutes in each class. I just want to introduce myself to them and distribute my pamphlets”

Secretary: “Sorry Mr. Ram…I cannot permit political activity within the college. And even if I did….the Director will not…you see like every other college…the higher authorities of the college maintain a good relationship with the ruling and the opposition party and they would not like to disturb that by seeming to encourage their opponents. I’m sure you understand.” In a hushed tone.

Ram: “’s out of the question sir….no chance even if I talk to the higher authorities?”

Secretary: “Son atleast I am talking to you ….he may not even….”

Ram: “Thank you for your time sir”, getting up.

Secretary: “But all the best son. Give me one pamphlet…I appreciate what you are doing…please understand. I am not in a position to authorize. Tomorrow all the candidates will come and request the same thing.”

Ram: “I understand sir. I don’t want to put you in a difficult situation nor do I want to disturb the students….. Thank you” and he walks out.

Scene LVIII: Meeting at Prof’s house

Prof: “Kids… some of my old students, all nine of them, who have agreed to volunteer…some full time and some half time…please get to know each other……Ram please fill them all in on all that has happened so far so we can chalk out a concrete strategy”

Ram: “Thank you all for this …..I cannot tell you how heartening it is to see all of you here…..just to help …..I just want to say one thing…..I am not scared of losing and honestly at this stage I am not even thinking about winning. All I want to do is start campaigning and start meeting people and getting our message across. The only thing I don’t want at the end of this campaign is regret…regret that we didn’t try or do something we could have. One more thing… is a tough…tough battle. We have heavy odds against us and if any of you feel the urge to stop or discontinue, please let me know. None of us here will hold it against you. What you are doing is something extraordinary and there is nothing wrong in stopping. All I ask is that the campaign not suffer due to the wrong reasons. Let us work as a military team with strength, with vision and a laser like focus. That’s all….and by the way I’m Ram...the candidate you’re helping….”...Smiles

Friendly applause all around.

There is a knock on the door and two girls and three boys appear.

“Hello…we are here to meet Ram…we are his Orkut buddies..?”

Prof: “Oku …?”

Scene LIX:

Prof: “Are you a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian?” looking at one of Ram’s female Orkut friends.

Friend: “Non Vegetarian! Why…. you want to cook for me?” full of attitude.

Prof: “Ha! Ha! What spirit! See …I was born into a non-vegetarian family….but I suddenly started disliking the taste. Till recently I used to have eggs..but that also I gave up…the smell”

Friend: “Common…only eggs smell..that too sometimes...if not properly made.”

Prof: “No, no, no, no, no. See….you take a 1/4th inch thickness tawa..heat it till you can literally see the heat emanating….then add some butter or some ghee as per your choice and turn down the heat to simmer. Take one or even two eggs and empty the contents into a beating vessel. Then take a fork and beat the eggs thoroughly till the egg white and yolk are thoroughly mixed and start frothing. Chop some coriander, some onions and some green chilly…make tiny pieces and if you like maybe even some grated cheese……add all this to the egg and once again mix thoroughly.

Now pour the entire contents of the vessel on to the tawa..making sure to spread it evenly. You should be able to hear the sizzle when the egg touches the pan. After this, make sure the egg is nice and golden brown and white and then flip over. Transfer onto your plate after it’s done and sit down to eat it. After all that… still stinks!!”

The friend stares at him in shock as all the others start giggling. The Professor is enjoying toying with all the youngsters. Ram notices the Professor’s happiness being surrounded by people. The empty house has come to life.

Ram: “Friends…gather around please….the campaign starts tomorrow and the election is exactly 6 weeks from today. We have collected all the necessary information and this is going to be an out and out political campaign. Each of you knows your tasks. Each of the four Assembly Constituencies making up the Secunderabad Pc is headed by a team leader. The Team leaders know what they have to do. We have worked out a day to day...area by area time table which our goal is to finish by hook or crook… by 8 pm the same day.

We need more friends to join us. So as you campaign you will simultaneously look for suitable helping hands building up a network under you…like a network marketing effort. But please don’t be very trusting…be sure of your candidates. It is just not possible for just the 18 of us to do this alone. We need help. If you have any strategies or ideas please voice them…..your team leaders have been chosen by the professor after considering a variety of factors and please cooperate with each other. Friction will and must arise…….we’ll work on it as we go along…..if you have any questions…..please…..we have a grueling schedule from tomorrow”

Friend: “What are the chances of us winning?”

Ram: “Exactly what you feel inside. But I can tell you this…if it is 1 in 100 today …..Tomorrow this time it should be 1.5 in 100. Then we have done our job. And each day after that it should keep increasing…..increasing inside you…the confidence and hope in you will automatically increase…..just stick to your goals…nothing can stand in our way!”

Ram looks at all of a Commander-in-Chief staring at his troops.

Ram: “Good night everyone sleep well!”

Ram moves to another room and bumps into the Professor who was listening to what Ram had to say.

Prof: “Don’t you think you are raising their hopes up a bit too much?”

Ram is shocked: “Sir…if we work hard we have a good chance…you yourself said...”

Prof: “All I said was that you should fight……don’t dream about winning Ram, it’s not as easy as you make it sound. And I know your opponent….Dashkant….!”

Ram: “Good night sir!” upset by the Prof’s attitude.

Scene LX: Ram is unable to sleep. He starts dreaming of life after the election. Life after losing the election. Life under another corrupt politician and the usual apathetic political system. He wakes up with a cold sweat. He has a look at the clock…it is 3:52 am. He gets up.

Scene LXI: He looks at all his new friends asleep on the floor of the living room and smiles. Not wanting to disturb them…he creeps out...tip toes to the front door and
steps out. The Prof. sees him go and checks the time. Ram gets on his cycle and pushes off.

Scene LXII: Ram cycles upto the local Vinayakar/Ganesh temple. He stands outside for sometime while looking at the gopuram. Moving on...Ram strikes up a conversation with the paper distribution agent whose boys are busy inserting pamphlets (insertions) into the newspapers. He hands over a pamphlet and the agent smiles and shakes hands with Ram.
Ram is seen writing something down….something the agent is saying to him.

Scene LXIII– First day of the campaign: Around 9 am at a busy crossroad. A youngster, with a pink hyper inflated condom that is so huge it looks like an elongated balloon, is standing at the traffic light making sure he is seen by the maximum number of people possible. Written on the condom is ‘ PROTECTION ….also against dirty politics. RAM VIJAYKUMAR for Secunderabad MP!’

There is one boy at each traffic light at the crossroads and with there being 3 different directions from the cross roads…they are able to garner quite a bit of attention. Many people found giggling. The walking mascots are seen handing over pamphlets. Written on the pamphlet along with the condom symbol-----


I am 29 years old and my team and I are fighting huge odds.

Just like you I am sick of our politicians. I have decided to fight them.

I have no election promises to make. I love my country just like you and this is my fight to save it.

Your vote can make a all of us.

Please vote.


Kindly pass on this message to all your friends and relatives. Help us campaign!
Ph: 23454367

The people are amused and the tactic is definitely working well. Same is the case at all the other traffic lights.

Scene LXIV: Another Mascot standing outside a college, smiling and distributing pamplets to all those coming to college. The same college where Ram could not get permission.

Scene LXV: We see a well planned campaign with the mascots at all the possible places with the maximum number of people in them. Important cross roads, traffic lights….schools….colleges…commercial complexes…..amusement parks…etc. The plan is to get maximum exposure by advertising in such areas till such time as their volunteer strength increases for proper door to door house calls. This is a perfect example of a campaign getting maximum mileage with minimum input.

Scene LXVI: Evening get together at Professor’s place.

Ram: “Salma……promise me you’ll stop for lunch tomorrow onwards……otherwise you take over non outdoor items.”

Salma: “I promise ra……there was no time…and Akshay and I got so caught up with the campaigning we just didn’t realize how time flew!”

Ram: “Look guys, we have started off very well and I’m more than satisfied with what we have done today. Just make sure that you don’t forget about your selves on the way and get carried away…….If not out of concern…atleast out of wanting you alive to continue campaigning I want you guys to be healthy….”…grins.

Friend: “Ram….all the teams seem to have achieved their goals…including mine…but you know what…somehow I feel we could have done more man! I’m not…”

“Yeah!”; “yes”; “me too!’’... a lot of voices in agreement.

Ram: “I’m glad we feel that way….it shows that we have truly got into the mood……ha-ha! Don’t worry...the Professor will make sure things get more challenging as the days go by…it’s just that he didn’t want to scare all of us the very first day!! But just remember what we spoke about yesterday…..WE MUST NOT HAVE THAT FEELING AT THE END OF ALL THIS”

Prof: “You kids be prepared. This is nothing…….achieving your targets is tough but wait till the opposition reacts to your campaign…I want all of you to be careful…be alert in what you do and be extra careful about what you say. Anything and everything you say will reflect on this campaign. Now go to bed all of you.”

There is a buzz in the room and the excitement among the youngsters is plainly visible.

Friend: “Hey, Ram…we’ll just be back….need some smokes...ok?”

Ram: “Ok, don’t be gone long now…the Prof. doesn’t like it…be careful”, he signals to them to go out silently.

Scene LXVII: Next morning…we see Ram and a team member supervising the paper insertion job as are the other teams all around the insertion points in the Constituency.

Scene LXVIII: Main door of a middle class apartment opens …the lady of the house picks up the milk sachets and smiles looking at Ram’s colourful pamphlet... which she takes into the house with her.

Scene LXIX: College girls are seen giggling and going through the pamphlet given to them by a walking condom volunteer and his female companion.

Scene LXX: There is a buzz in a college classroom as the boys discuss the pamphlet. One of the boys, “Who wants to volunteer to help Ram’s campaign?”

Sudden silence all around….

Boy: “I think we should help him….I am going today to volunteer…I would like to see someone …..Cool… becoming an M.P., someone like us. If you are really interested in seeing a change...lets give this guy a chance…common”

Scene LXXI: Traffic lights – people reading the pamphlet….some smile…some don’t…some read it and simply drop it on the road……A pamphlet is given to the traffic cops who ask some questions. One of the volunteers helps a policeman discharge his official duty. We see a few hyper inflated condoms tied to the top of a few poles as advertising.

Scene LXXII: Dashkant in his car looking at the inspired volunteers campaigning: “What’s all this Natraj? I told you. I don’t want any useless opposition…who is creating this nuisance?”………listens for a while… “That fool is running?!! Make him stop. I don’t care.”

Scene LXXIII– Middle aged man going through his newspaper when Ram’s pamphlet falls down from in between the sheets...

Man: “Ha! Ha! Swathi did you see this? There is some boy competing for M.P.’s post…with a....with a ….. Come here and see this!”, too embarrassed to mention it in front of the kids.

Kids: “Condom mummy……Vote for Ram Vijaykumar…….our teacher told us to show you this...” They have the pamphlets too.

Man and wife are shocked...they smile at each other.

Scene LXXIV: Ram seen talking and coming out of another college disappointed. But the same college has been assigned a distributor of pamphlets later.

Scene LXXV: C.M.’s son in full fledged campaign mode…riding high on a converted bus/lorry swarmed by party workers and guarded by rough types. He is busy waving out to people while his side kicks’ appeals to the people to vote for the ‘only one’ blasts out of the attached speakers. The entire Jing bang moves slowly….affecting traffic and causing a monumental headache to commuters. Some people are curious to see the candidate…..some are apathetic….some irritated. Natraj is seen egging on the dancers and the drum beaters and the flag and poster bearers to keep up the tempo and attract attention. This large circus keeps moving with promises galore being made to the public.

Scene LXXVI:

Man: “Ramesh babu sir? name is Narayana, I have been asked to talk to you along with all the other MLA candidates regarding the M.P. elections for the C.M.’s son. I am looking for your help in this matter…” listens for a while…… “Yes sir. I think you know who…….OK sir. I’ll meet you today at 9:30 at Hotel…..”


The PSO is seen walking into the Police Station where he had lodged a complaint, holding a pamphlet which now has Ram’s photo on it.

Scene LXXVIII: Natraj is seen distributing money to people in a semi – slum area when suddenly one of his men comes running…….

“ Police…police……Natraj anna…the cops are after us…hide hide……” , he is caught by a police officer while the other cops go after Natraj and pin him down when he does not co-operate.

Natraj: “What are you doing Officer?” Calmly

The PO ( Shekhar ) is quite tough on Natraj’s men. He signals to the constables to take them all to the Police Station.

Natraj: “You must be the new Police …I heard about you…..don’t you know whom I work for…ha-ha! Listen to me sir……just let me make one phone call”

Scene LXXIX: At the Police Station:

Natraj: “Sir…my sir is a very good man...he never forgets good people ……see I told you …see how he takes care of people who help him” …while walking out of the station. The smirk on his face does not go unnoticed by Shekar.

Shekhar’s blood boils…but there is nothing he can do. He has been ordered to forget the whole thing and let Natraj and his men go. His eye falls on the pamphlet brought by the PSO. He reads it thoroughly…..

Scene XXC: Ram’s campaign keeps going on full steam. At one of the places where a boy and a girl are distributing pamphlets to passersby….a couple of youths misbehave with the girl. They are the Party workers of the Opposition.

Boy: “Hello….can I have a pamphlet? Can I have a condom?” His friends laugh.

The two volunteers get uneasy and ignore them.

Boy: “Boys …the government is distributing free condoms to …to certain type of women…do you think that’s where she got hers from….ha-ha! She is also a ………..” laughs out loud.

The boys grab all the pamphlets and pull up the male volunteer by his collar.

“ If you come to this area again……we won’t be nice like we are today…got it……go tell your stupid friends…..we’ll break their bones………..”

Female volunteer (Lakshmi): “Please let him go…let him go...please we’ll go away…come Sonu…”

Sonu glares at them defiantly…but the female volunteer pulls him away while the other boys make fun of Sonu and laugh out aloud.

Scene XXCI:
Prof: “So, finally we have some fun, ehe…..he-he! the fun begins. I’m telling all of you…this is just the beginning…..go in a group of atleast 5-6 boys wherever you go otherwise it’s just a matter of time before one of you gets hurt…I think you know what I mean…… wake up…you are opposing some very powerful people…this is politics…”

The two volunteers don’t like the reaction of the Pro.

Ram: “Lakshmi and Sonu….I’m glad nothing happened…you guys did a good thing by leaving that place…..we don’t want any sort of danger…please be smart.”

Lakshmi: “Our hero was giving them a ‘what can you do’ look! If I had not pulled him back he would be in the hospital by now!”

Sonu: “What! You think I was scared of them…I would have taken on all of them……..why should I be scared…is it his father’s area?”

Ram: “ Calm down guys…..Lakshmi you did the right thing and Sonu…we appreciate the spirit…if all of us can work with the courage you showed today …and show this guts against the odds we are facing then that’ll be something. I have some troubling news….
We are running out of money…..The Prof put up some money for the pamphlets…..we...See we wanted to distribute ten lakh pamphlets in two stages…”

Voice: “Aren’t we supposed to maintain accounts of our expenditure as per the law…?”

Prof: “Yes…according to the Representation of the People Act 1951….but you please don’t worry about that…”

Voice….feeling insulted: “I hope we are not over shooting the expenditure limit set in ‘THE REPRESENTATION OF PEOPLE ACT 1951”, stressing on the name of the law…trying to imitate the Prof.

Prof: “Hello……ha-ha! that’s a problem we’ll never have….your campaign will get over even before it starts…what money are you talking about…you think your grandfather will fund the campaign?!”


Scene XXCII: Ram is seen talking to a lady principle of a minorities college. Along with him is Anjan.

Principal: “Don’t worry…I’ll explain to the principal. Infact I have seen what your friends are doing and I am very proud that someone has decided to do something…..I’ll mange everything with my higher-ups… you go with…….one moment” she rings the bell for her assistant..

Assistant: “Yes Madam…?”

Principal: “Go take this sir, to each and every class…he will talk to everybody in the class for sometime…tell the lecturers that he has my permission…go

Please go with him Mr. Ram….may Allah bless you!”

Ram: “Thank you”...Smiles

Looking around is clear that this is going to be a difficult group of students in a run down college in a tough neighbourhood.

Just before entering …Ram tells the assistant that he would first like to meet the Political Science students.

There is a student outside the classroom asking for permission to get in…

Student: “ Sir……sir…… tell him what does he think of himself huh…..he asked me to get out of the class ; tell him I’ll break his #@”...looking at the assistant.

The assistant goes into a large class and beckons to Ram to enter.

Ram enters the class confidently with a smile on his face. He introduces himself to the lecturer.

Lecturer: “Students…..this is Mr.Ram and his team member Mr.Anjan. Mr.Ram is contesting for the post of M.P. from the Secunderabad Parliamentary Constituency and he wants to talk to all of you for 3 minutes…..please...” asking Ram to start.

Ram: “Thank you for the introduction ….I apologise for interrupting your class friends. I will be talking to students of all years and all groups, going to every classroom and lab in this building. But I wanted to start with the Political Science Students…….”

Voice: “Yeaahhh”…”mock expression of happiness by a naughty student…a few smirks.

Ram continues with an amused smile: “Not just because I studied Political Science myself but because you guys….more than the others will be able to appreciate what my friends and I are trying to do. Like the professor said….I’m competing for the M.P.’s post from the Secunderabad Constituency in the coming elections….”

Another voice, a girl: “I’ll vote for you!!!” class bursts out laughing.

Ram: “Thank you…ha! ha! You see…..I am facing huge challenges……..we have no money…no political party….no prior experience……no father or grandfather in politics ….nor do we have the muscle power or ‘press power’to defend ourselves…….”

Voice: “ Arre, our Johnny is there!” .. laughter

Johnny is a mountain of muscle….clearly embarrassed…he looks back to see who took his name.

Ram: “Yes, but unfortunately not all of us are blessed with his physique……but I am blessed with a group of friends who are here working as a team……they don’t expect money... they are working with me because they ….ha-ha!...they definitely don’t want me to lose…but you see.. it’s this passion driving them to make sure the filthy fellows ruling us don’t win easily……we are trying to prove that anybody can run an election and do what we are doing….maybe even… not only is it a campaign for votes but it’s also a campaign to prove a point…that anybody can do it. “

Silence….Ram has won their respect and when one more naughty voice tries to say something…his friends whack him.

“My friends and I are here to ask you for your support. Now I’m sure almost all of you will have completed 18 years of age by the time the next elections are held.

You can volunteer as a campaigner..either online or on the road….you can contribute funds……….you can spread the word and help us find campaign volunteers and finally you can vote for us and get all the others you know to vote for us. Please get yourself registered as a voter.

Our main challenge today is the lack of money. This money is only to reach out to people…people to know that yes..there is a group that is trying to fight the system…a group of youngsters who have the guts to take on these…these snakes that we have sitting in our Parliament……..I believe that we have a good chance……I think we can do it……but for that we need your support and that is why I am here.

I am Ram and I am 29 years old. I and looking forward to seeing you all at our campaign head quarters.”

Anjan is seen distributing the pamphlets…just 9.

Ram: “ Please don’t throw away the pamphlet….each one costs us money which we don’t have…after reading please pass it on tot a friend and ask him to do the same……any questions?”

Voice: “What will you do if you become M.P.?”

Ram looks at them not knowing how to answer this question without sounding clichéd.

Ram: “What do you want your M.P. to do?”

Silence again…..

The boldest of the many voices: “Make us proud!”

Ram: “I’ll try”

The lecturer: “Students…..I think this will be a very good experience as students of Political Science……..why don’t you?”

Voice: “Sir….from tomorrow we are not coming to college sir…we are going to campaign for Mr.Ram…you tell the Principal you gave us permission………” everybody laughs……

Slowly…clapping starts and Ram is mobbed by students as he exits the room and enters the next one walking behind the assistant.

Student: “Please come to our class……we are not able to bear his lecture”, pointing to a shrill voiced lecturer droning on in the classroom.

Ram laughs and enters.

Scene XXCIII: A savage fight between two of the volunteers….between Mallesh and Fareed. Both of them are punching each other, exchanging blows as the rest of the group steps in to separate the two badly provoked young men. They are busy threatening each other and hurling the choicest of expletives at each other while they are dragged apart by some of the older boys in the group. The Professor is shocked

Prof: “What’s going on here…?”

Voice: “Nothing sir….just a small misunderstanding...that’s all”

Mallesh: “ You keep quiet…that bastard looks down on me ……as though I am not his equal……what …how dare he talk like that about reservation…..tell him I ‘ll kill that mother……what does he think of himself…..just because I got my seat…”

Voice : “ Calm down Mallu….tell us what happened”

Fareed: “I’ll tell you …he got angry that I said that the system of extending reservation to even economically well off BC’s was not correct.”

Mallesh: “Was that why I got angry…bloody liar..t.ell them what you said about my commu…”

Fareed: “You tell them what you said….eh mind your language or I’ll ..bloddy animal…..yeah he tells me very boldly that if he became P.M. he will stop the free Haj Piligrimage being provided…tell them…didn’t you say so?”

Mallesh: “ what’s wrong……?”

Fareed: “See….he can say what he wants……”

Mallesh: “ See ….if you don’t like it here…you can go somewhere else…..”

Prof: “SHUT THE HELL UP …the BOTH OF YOU…” the Prof erupts…..both the boys are shocked into silence.

Mallesh: “ But you said so yourself sir….”

Prof: “Shut the hell up…..shut the hell up………bloody scum the both of you are……..SO. this is the new generation ..the new India..Ram was talking about proudly to me………THE SAME POISON RUNS IN ALL YOUR VEINS…..NOTHING HAS CHANGED…NOTHING EVER WILL IN THIS COUNTRY’S PEOPLE…..EVER……SAME THING GENERATION AFTER GENERATION……DOGS…..FIT FOR NOTHING GUTTER DOGS………YOU DSERVE THE FILTH WHICH RULES OVER YOU……YOU DESERVE THE POLITICIANS YOU GET… One more word from the both of you and ……’ll see a different me..! That was for campaigning you fools” …the professor is hyper ventilating and the students worry he might have a stroke or something worse.

Scene XXCIV: Ram arrives to find a gloomy …atmosphere at home. He talks to a few of the team members and comes to know what happened. He is shocked. He assembles all of them for a team meeting.

Ram: “I heard about what happened. I am ashamed …..I……

I don’t care whose fault it is……but I want you to know one thing…….I want educated people in my campaign…….when I say educated ..I mean cultured….someone who does not let passion and emotion cloud his judgement…not somebody who becomes an ANIMAL just because someone said something against something which you found …….which is against your strong beliefs.

This campaign is to be an example to others……something others can hopefully emulate in the future……the people we are fighting are known to make people fight amongst themselves…just like you two…..for votes sake……but it seems we have set a new precedent here…..fighting within the team…and for what reasons……We are struggling her and you two want to make things easier for us or our opposition? Look at the team…everybody is down because of the both of you…….”

Fareed: “Let me…..”

Ram: “Quiet……….I’m sorry……I agree with the Prof…if this is what is going to happen……I request you to leave…..both of you.”

And he walks away in disgust leaving the team stunned.

Ram joins the Prof. in the garden.

Prof: “Ram…you have no chance…..these buffoons don’t know what a campaign is….is this the way….”

Ram: “Sir…..!! Why do you keep saying that?”

Prof: “Because that’s the truth damn it…..wake up Ram..are you blind? You think people will vote for you just because they find your symbol amusing…..or because they want to give a youngster a chance…? Oh oh oo… really need to grow up son…which world are you in….? Do you know how many crores the others would have distributed by now……?”

Sir: “ I disagree with you sir…the team is doing a wonderful job and I don’t think you should keep saying things like this in front of the team..”

Prof: “Who the bloody hell are you to tell me what to do and what not to say…this is my house……all of you can move out if you d……. This whole way of campaigning of yours is a foolish exercise in futility…you don’t stand a chance and you know it……so do the rest of them….,they are just here on a holiday….your friends…wherever they are from…just joking around…..flirting with each other and…..they are just foolish kids……”

The team is listening to this conversation and Ram sees them.

Ram: “I’m sorry professor….you are wrong!”

Ram: “ I’m going back to my room……….just when I felt we had a good chance……you guys have to do this………bringing this poison here….!” He leaves in a huff.

Scene XXCV: Morning

All the volunteers are at the Prof. house….no one is campaigning. Ram arrives to see a dull faced group…some of them watching TV….and a few others just sitting doing nothing.

Ram, asks one of the team leaders what was happening and the leader whispers something into his ear.

Ram sees that the team is desperately in need of something to take their mind of the previous days’ events.

Ram: “Ok, guys….things happened yesterday. It’s time to forget it….I want all of you to go to a movie…go relax today and let us come back fresh……..”

Voice: “No…….” groaning.

Ram: “Ok, guys do as you please……., where’s the professor…….?”

Boy: “He has not come out yet…..we called but he asked us not to disturb him”

Ram knocks on the professor’s door…..

Prof..from Inside: “ Don’t disturb me ! Go away Ram!”

Ram goes back to the group.

Ram: “Ok….lets talk about the campaign and what has happened so far……..”

Scene XXCVI: 8 p.m.

Ram: “Are you sure?”

Girl: “Yes, we asked him whether he wanted dinner and he is not responding!”

Ram runs up to the Prof.’s door and bangs on it: “Sir…it’s Ram..please open the door…are you Ok, sir?”


“Sir..if you don’t open this door……I’ll have to break it open and come inside…please open it if you can hear me..”

Ram: “Guys….lets do it….”

They break the door open and everyone including Ram go silent.

The Professor is sitting on the floor…..starring at a piece of paper. By his side is a small bottle of Brandy and a paper file which is spread open.

Ram: “Sir….Prof..are you all right…..?”

Prof: “Happy Birthday my darling…I love you so much…….” Drawling…it’s obvious he is in his own world….drunk.

Prof: “Why did you leave me….I didn’t do anything…I’ll buy a lovely gold chain …just the design you like Ok? I won’t say anything you take what you like……..

Gopalakrishnan never lost..they cheated..they are all dogs…I could have won Meena….I could have won and made you proud of me….but they robbed me…….they said they would..they……”

Ram: “Sir..please come …” and he and a few other boys help the professor to bed.

Prof: “Aah, Ram….you poor little idealistic foo…….I was also like you ……….take my advice ..marry a good happy………….be happy……throw those two fellows out………I won the election you know……they split my supporters ..made them fight with each other ….asfrvr”….falls asleep.

Mallesh and Fareed are within earshot and they feel ashamed of themselves.

Ram picks up the file folder and sees a paper cutting……’s an article on the Prof…..dt.16th Feb 1977…..The Prof. once ran as an Independent for this very constituency…for the post of MP!!!!!!

Ram cannot believe it. He goes outside the room and shows the article to everybody. Everybody gathers around.

Scene XXCVII: Someone knocks on the door….Ram gets up to answer it…it is 4 in the morning….Ram opens the door and there are two men standing in the darkness…..

Man I: “Sorry to disturb you this early in the morning…are you Mr.Ram …contesting the election…….”

Ram: “Yes…..who are yo..?”

Man II flashes a light in his face…..and Ram sees a gun pulled up to his face and a shot rings out……

Ram awakens with a jolt. Nightmares again…… is 3:55 in the morning……


Prof comes out of his room looking a bit groggy.

Ram: “Sir….we would all like to talk to you………..”

Prof: “You finally realized you are all wasting your time and risking your future with this mad guy?” looking at the group and pointing to Ram.

Ram: “Sir, last night we saw the paper clipping in your file!”

Prof: “Which one?”…knowing which one Ram was talking about.

Ram: “You ran for MP as an Independent from this very same constituency?!”

Prof: Taken aback

Prof: “……….and lost”


Ram: “Why didn’t you tell us?”

Prof: “Does it make a difference……what advice can a loser give?”

Ram: “Sir, after we came across your newspaper article…I went through the election commission site. Dashkant’s father won the election”

Prof: “Yes……by a thin margin…by cheating”

Ram: “So, you’re helping us because you want to ….. get back at ..who …Dashkant? His father is no more……”

Prof walks away …. “You won’t understand”

Prof. walks away and goes up to the terrace….he is not comfortable talking about his past in the presence of all the youngsters.

Ram follows him upstairs and continues the interrogation.

Ram: “Sir, I need to know…why do you hate that guy so much?”

Prof: “It was a long time ago Ram…I was a different person….young…naive…..foolish……like you……I was also in love.”

Prof: “I ran as an independent against the wishes of my family….my friends…even those who helped me did so only because ….because they loved me……not because they thought I would win……I defied everybody and when I lost….it was the most heart breaking moment in my life….I don’t want the same thing to happen to you Ram…I became a bitter man.. a bitter man ….”

Ram: “But you lost by a slight margin sir…just 2 thousand odd votes…”

Prof: “But I did not lose Ram…..Dashkant stole the election.. .they rigged it and my whole life got turned upside down…….I defied their threats and after they won,they made it a point to humiliate me …..everybody including my family…..thought I was an Idiot…..The girl I loved…..”

Prof: “The girl I loved….her parents forced her to marry someone else…..I lost everything Ram…EVERYTHING……..I don’t want the same thing to happen to you Ram….” …..breaking down and crying like a small child.

Ram: “Sir…I please don’t cry sir……don’t worry about me…I’m prepared for all that…..Sir….you are the one who gave me the guts to do what I am …now don’t take it away...”

Ram: “Sir…..” Ram goes and gives his teacher a hug. Gone is the Strong and aggressive Prof….Ram sees a broken old man.

The team has heard and witnessed this entire drama.

Ram: “It’s OK sir….it’s OK….we are all here…..nothing we can do about what happened…nothing we can do about the past………..but I have them………and I don’t want to let them down……they have done a lot already………….don’t worry about me…..I was a nobody anyway…..I’ll go back to being one……….”, pointing to his team.

Scene XXCIX: Later……all of them together.

Prof: “When I contested in 1977… was the election after the Emergency and I knew I had a good chance .I was quite popular in the area……and my opponent was Dashkant’s father….but Dashkant did his father was quite old by then…..

Dashkant rigged the whole thing...massive fraud…booth capturing…..when I protested and asked witnesses to support me…not one fellow came forward Ram...not one fellow…..I tried everything but nobody listened…and the moment you are not covered by the press…you become vulnerable…in my case to physical threats. I gave up…..I even had plans to contest the next election but when I heard that my …my sweetheart was made to forcibly marry another chap ; her parents thought I was a good for nothing….that broke me. After that I hit the bottle for 6 months and with the help of some of my few remaining friends picked up the broken shards of my life and put them back together…whatever remained… into teaching.. .and here I am.”

Girl: “Sir…why didn’t she divorce that fellow and come away with you?”

Prof-grinning: “Well, I asked myself that same thing……..but …you never know what the parents told her...maybe they threatened to commit suicide…maybe they said they would get me killed……and girls those days were not as bold as for example…..aahh….anyway listen if any of you ever fall in love and your parents are opposed to it…come to this old man…I’ll see who stops you!”. A bit of the old Prof. coming back. Smiles all around.

Scene XC: Morning meeting.

Ram: “Guys…I have discussed the situation with the professor. Our estimate based on the electoral roll is 1,000,000 voters to be reached. Ideally we would have liked one pamphlet printed for each of them and touch them atleast 4 times before the election. That means 40,00000 pamphlets. But we don’t have the money for that and we decided to go with 10,00000 pamphlets. At 5 paise each… That will come to 50,000 rupees. The professor is contributing 1,00,000 rupees. 25,000 rupees for putting up cloth banners at important places in the Constituency…at 20 rupees each we have about 1250 banners. And the remaining 25,000 for operational expenditure. Even though you guys are taking care of your food and other expenses we are still short of the approximately 5 lakh rupees we think we need. We need to raise another 4 lakh rupees. We have another 5 weeks to go and about 85% of our coverage plan to be executed. We really need to put our heads together on this.”

Prof: “The condom definitely got us some attention but it’s not enough…how many people even know what a condom is...”

Voice: “Everybody…sir…” naughtily….

Prof: “Ok….but still, you need to get serious publicity now….this is not some small association election we are running… how many do you think know about our campaign….a few thousand at the most? Look even if you reach out to 100 people..there will be maybe 50 you can convince and out of these about 20 can be expected to come and vote. And you must have reached out to about 50,000 so far? Got to work harder from tomorrow….”

Ram: “Sir…leave it to me…I know just the thing…this is what we are going to do tomorrow……..”
Scene XCI:

At all the important traffic junctions and at all the important roads we see Ram’s volunteers and many college students going around with Placards reading various messages like: ‘ DASHKANT YADAV … WHEN WILL YOU START LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE? - RAM VIJAYKUMAR ‘ ; ‘ DASHKANT YADAV …. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN 5 YEARS? - RAM VIJAYKUMAR ” ; “ DASHKANT YADAV…WHY DON’T YOU GIVE OTHERS A CHANCE? – RAM VIJAY KUMAR;

A lot of students gather in front of the important TV channels and stage a student’s call for change. This picks up with this well coordinated tactic happening outside all the newspaper and TV news channel offices. Seen all around are the symbols of the Campaign…….they begin to garner attention.

Scene XCII: Ram is being interviewed by a local FM Radio show and quite a few people are listening to this program…people in their cars….students on Radio.

RJ: “Ram…please tell us...what made you decide to contest?”

Ram : “ Good morning …. Unusual circumstances! I got sick of being able to do nothing. I am taking things into my own hands and making full use of the rights The Indian Constitution guarantees me. I want to contest….and show everybody that even as an Independent….you can really fight an election…without crores of money…without muscle….all you need is a dedicated group of friends and like minded individuals…”

RJ: “How much will this campaign cost you?”

Ram: “Our estimate is about 5 lakhs….we have some money but we need to raise another 3.75 lakhs soon. I am confident we will. We need to get our message through and every show like this is good coverage for us….free coverage” ..laughs

RJ: “We are glad to be of use..we at 91.1 FM are always with the new generation……What are your election promises…what will you do if you win..?”

Ram: “The moment I think about anything……I feel just like all the other politicians…that’s why I am not making any promises. I don’t know if I ‘ll be able to keep them.”

RJ: “Then how can we vote for you without knowing what your plans are?”

Ram: “Can it be worse than the others who keep making all sorts of promises but keep none?”

Rj: “Do you expect to win?”

Ram: “ My team and I are working hard. The people who know about us are behind us….everywhere I go I see that we have lost faith and lost interest in our political system…but when they see us…they smile..that gives me hope that ..yes…maybe we have a chance...a real chance.”

RJ: “I wish you all the luck Mr.Ram that was…..”

Scene XCII: Anjan gets picked up by the police. At the Police Station a call is made and Dashkant is heard speaking on the other end of the line.

Dashkant: “Make him my offer. Scare him”

Another scene - Prof is seen chuckling as he is watching live coverage of the student volunteers outside a newspaper and TV channel office.

Interviewer: “What is your message?”

Leader of the group: “We have a simple message to all those watching this program……we are volunteers campaigning for an Independent candidate who is fighting a battle against all the political parties. His name is Ram Vijay Kumar..he is just 29 years old and we request all those who are 18 years above in the Secunderabad Lok Sabha Constituency to please register and vote for him for MP. Please come to vote…don’t let somebody else vote in your name… not voting you are letting all sorts of people become YOUR representative…..please don’t ignore us…..we are one of you…please support him…he is educated…he is young and he is sincere………”

Voice: “He came to our college and he spoke to us…like no other politician…he was honest and sincere...I’ll definitely vote for him”

A well orchestrated ‘I’ll vote for him’ campaign is underway.

Prof. skips channels and enjoys the coverage

Voices: “Ram Vijay Kumar……we want RAM, we want RAM….” This chorus build up slowly and there is a lot of friendly bon homie between the students of various colleges.

Scene XCIII: Old man in a reclining chair watching this on his TV turns up the volume. Pleased to see young Ram.

Old Man: “When the election….where is is my Voters Id card? This boy is doing what I’ve always dreamt of doing! At last somebody’s got the guts to do it!”

Scene: Colony by colony signature campaign goes on and the campaign is going on full steam.

Scene XCIV: The C.M. is watching this campaign along with his son

Akilesh: “Dashkant is not doing anything to stop this fellow. Says he is too high profile now.”

C.M. stares at him. “That is true….but don’t worry you’ll win easily. They can do nothing with a few pamphlets and posters. By the time the elections are here, they will be forgotten. One of their team guys is in Dashkant’s pocket” laughs.

Scene VC:

Montage of the campaign with the focus on Ram…excruciating schedule …..meeting people…meeting students..going shop to shop…asking for support……students raising money…….his opponents campaigning…giving away thousands of rupees while Ram’s campaign machine is in contrast collecting 10’s and 20’s,….”

Scene VCI: Prof: “You know Ram…..when you want to know whether people are really committed ...ask them to put their money behind their commitment. Then we will know whether they are really behind you. But I’ll tell you something…ever since your TV and radio show we have managed to collect about 60,000 rupees and that is good. The best part is that funds are coming in from other constituencies and even other States!! Keep doing what you are doing…we don’t have too much time”.

Scene VCII: One more Montage.

Scene VCIII: The Prof and a few others are taking a walk when we see a car screech to a halt. Inside is Dashkant…he smiles at the Prof. .. “Remember me Gopal………?”

The Prof. takes a while to recognize him. Once he does…his anger is visible.

Dashkant: “I just came to tell you…..stop doing what you are…you are only spoiling that poor fellow’s life. Aren’t you happy that you ruined yours? That girl ran away after you lost….why are you doing it again…fooling these children…you sorry old man…”

Prof: “You bastard…I’ll …….” The prof. vinces in pain and goes breathless. He goes limp.

Dashkant’s car screeches away with Dashkant smiling.

Scene IC: Ram comes running to see the Prof who has been admitted in a hospital.Ram goes into the room.

Scene C- Prof: “Don’t look at me like that. I’m perfectly all right. These corporate hospitals are blood suckers….the moment they knew I had insurance they stuck all these wires in me claiming this and that test. I’m perfectly OK!”

Ram: “What happened sir?”

Friend: “He suffered a mild heart attack..when..”

Prof: “Nonsense boy…it was just gas….I ate too much of….”

Ram: “Sir……you rest now. I’m glad you’re fine. I’ll be back tonight. If you need anything. friends will get them for you. We are all here”

Prof: “Ok..ok..y, lets not get too emotional”

Scene CI: Big crowd at local Municipal office. Record registrations for inclusion of name in Electoral roll. Form 6 is in heavy demand. This is a piece of news being reported in the local news.

Scene CII: Ram and group decide to take the fight to the enemy camp by campaigning in what is considered the incumbent’s and his party’s stronghold…which is also an area notorious for its rowdy elements.

Ram and a group of around 20 start making house calls. Word spreads about the presence of the ‘enemy’.

Natraj and his group are seen thundering down the small twisty pathways to accost Ram and group.

Natraj to Ram: “You dog, you have the guts to come to our territory now!? I’m telling you now...there will be consequences...leave our territory right now or…..”

Ram to group: “I’m sorry…..Vivek which area is this?”

Vivek: “Mahatma Gandhi Colony”

Ram to Natraj: “Natraj sir, are you Mahatma Gandhi’s son by any chance?”

Natraj: “Son of a bitch….”

Ram: “Don’t call your elders names Natraj….”

Natraj pounces on him when Ram suddenly shouts out aloud:

“Please see for yourself the violent tactics employed by Mr.Dashkant Yadav’s team members. The press must record this.”

Natraj is surprised to find reporters from various newspapers filming the goings on. He is embarrassed and lets go of Ram.

Ram has brought some insurance.

Ram: “This is the sort of violent methods they use. This is the sort of method we will not succumb to.”

Ram: “Natraj…..we are campaigning here and now and nobody can stop us. Nobody……I may even come knocking on your door!”, he jokes.

Natraj turns red with rage and leaves in a huff.

Scene CIII: Natraj is seen talking to Dashkant in an animated manner. This visit of Ram is a personal insult to him and he wants to stop him.

Scene CIV: Ram goes house to house and puts across his candidature. Natraj’s men watch the goings on with unadulterated venom. There is a big crowd behind Ram and the people of the area are a bit hesitant to be seen encouraging Ram for fear of incurring Natraj’s wrath.

Ram’s group does a thorough job of covering the area with the press men doing a good job of keeping Ram’s people safe, by their being present on the spot.

Scene CV: Ram and his group are getting ready to go to bed. It’s 10 past midnight when 3 Tata Sumos stop two houses away from the Professor’s place. Ram gets a call on his cell. He immediately switches off the lights in the house and goes to a window to look outside. He makes another call.

Ram: “It’s me……live event for you……come immediately along with the police”

Ram wakes up all the boys and whispers to all of them to get armed. They have a ready stock of hockey sticks, cricket bats and lots of chilli powder. One of them brandishes an air gun while another slingshot. All of them peep out to see a couple of hefty types jumping over the gate stealthily.

Ram: “Make the calls…quickly”

Two of the volunteers start making calls on their mobiles immediately.

Ram starts filming the men’s stealth approach. He hands it over to one of his group and picks up a wireless microphone and rushes to another window. He has prepared well for this scenario and does not want the situation to get out of hand.

Meanwhile, another group of well built young men overpower the men in the parked Tata Sumos.

The men from Natraj’s group hear an argument going on from a room in one corner of the compound. They hear Ram and a few others discussing money matters. All 8 of them approach the room and are standing near the door when all of a sudden they are blinded by a bright light which has them in its focus and they begin to hear a couple of dogs growling in the background while in the foreground they hear a tough male voice

“We are watching you. If you move the dogs will be set loose. Please smile for the cameras…you are being shown live on the evening news.”

One of the men: “Get out of here…run run…….watch out for the dogs”

The men run as fast they can and jump over the gates and get into their vehicles. They find their look outs missing .They start the engine when they realise they are surrounded by Ram and his group. They gun the throttle and the vehicles move forward violently only to struggle to move. All the tyres have been punctured. They are surrounded and outnumbered. A police patrol van approaches.

Scene CVI: 2 days before the election: Model code of conduct has been implemented. Dashkant and his cronies are busy distributing liquor, money and sarees. Ram and his friends meanwhile go all out working the phones…contacting NGO’s, getting hold of databases from various organizations including educational institutes and campaigning via phone and online.

Scene CVII: Ram taking care of the Prof. and finally bringing him home to a ‘welcome home’ party.

Scene CVIII: Last attempts by Ram’s group.

Scene CIX: On the eve of the election, by the Prof’s bedside.

Prof: “Are you worried about tomorrow?”

Ram: “Nervous.”

Prof: “Why…because you can’t win?”

Ram: “Because if I lose, it will discourage others like me from contesting”

Prof: “Campaigning is over Ram. he he…you know how to talk huh? No…. what happens to you..?”

Ram: “I don’t know…..I don’t want to think about it……maybe I’ll become a you…and contest the next election”, grinning at the Prof.

The Prof. smiles and suddenly grabs hold of him and gives him a fatherly hug.

Prof: “If there is a higher power. I ask that he lets you achieve whatever I could not son…..I want you to win! matter what happens., just want you to know that I was wrong about you. I am proud of all that you and your friends have done. Irrespective of the result…you have achieved something…whether you realize it now or not….I’m so glad to call you my student”

Ram: “Thank you sir….”

Prof: “Aah…if only we could win…that would be so beautiful…”

Ram: “Everything will go well sir…you take your rest.”

Ram covers the Prf. with a blanket and switches off the light.

Prof: “By the way…where is that monkey friend of yours……Anjan?”

Ram: “Not too sure Sir…he said he has some personal work...but he’ll be back. Good night!”

Scene CX: Election day – People shown casting their vote. Cops removing all the posters and banners near the polling station meant to influence voters. One or two instances of people being chased away, some celebrities and big names are seen complaining to the News Channel crew about their names not being present on the list. Ram and his supporters keep a close watch on the happenings. Everybody is tense.

Scene CXI: An 18 year old boy enters the polling booth. He shows his no. slip to the verification agent.

Verification Agent: “Ok, please go there…our party is number two!”

Voter boy: “Which party is that?”

V.A.: “Akilesh Anna’s!”

The young boy frowns.

The V.B. proceeds to the next table to show his EPIC. The checking officer checks.

Officer: “You have already voted!”

V.B.: “No, this is my first time….”

Officer: “No, no….you already voted this morning….!”

V.B.: “What are you saying...I’m coming just now….see I have no mark on my finger!”

Officer: “See. You have already signed in our register” showing him ledger.

V.B.: “That’s not my signature! Someone has voted in my name. I have no mark on my finger. You cannot stop me from voting… A tendered vote….”

Officer: “Show us your EPIC again”. Consults the Presiding Officer.

Polling booth officer: “Ok…you have the provision of the tendered vote. You have to vote manually….”

The V.B. is issued an ordinary ballot paper. After marking the ballot paper with the arrow cross mark rubber stamp supplied, the tendered ballot paper is put inside a cover specially provided for the purpose, sealed and kept by the Presiding Officer. The boy votes for Ram.

The boy walks out proudly …displaying his marked finger to his friends…telling them about how he managed to vote inspite of someone impersonating him.

Scene CXII: Some film actors coming out of the booth disgusted because they could not find their names on the electors list.

Actor to press man: “This is the sort of Government we have….I have been living here for the past 20 years and vote here every time…suddenly my name disappears….!”

Montage of the elections.

Scene CXIII: A few days later: Ram’s group sitting in front of a TV watching the election results being announced: “The ruling Party has come back to power albeit with a smaller share of seats….” The channel is changed to the local news and...The phone rings…

Ram picks up the phone, “Hello, yes Raj…what …no there is nothing yet on the TV, every other Parliamentary Constituency result has been announced except ours. Are you sure? Ok, keep us informed.”

Ram mutes the T.V., “Everybody, Raj just called and he says we are running neck and neck with Akilesh. He also said that some were saying that counting was already over once and both Akilesh and we got equal number of votes! I believe they are re-counting just to make sure!”

Phone rings again and this time the Prof. jumps to pick it up.

Prof: “What? Is that confirmed?” The Prof. motions to the gang to turn up the volume.

TV – News: “It has just been announced that there is a tie for the Secunderabad constituency between the ruling Party candidate Mr.Akilesh Yadav and the Independent candidate Ram Vijaykumar. This is the first time in Indian Political History that two candidates have polled the exact same number of votes. This is unprecedented. As per the rules, the winner will now be decided based on the winner of a draw of lots. …The spokesperson for…”

Loud cheers and claps, but the professor looks serious.

A member of the group: “What sort of stupid rule is that?”

The Prof. stares at Ram, “That is the rule son….we just have to wait and see”. He shakes hands with Ram, “I’m proud of you, remember, no matter what the final result, I’m extremely proud of you!”

Scene CXIV: A few days later-Prof: “I’m sorry son, I’m truly very sorry.” The tough old man breaks down.. “The bastards won the lot, it’s not fair Ram……’s not fa……” Sobbing

“But I’m proud of you Ram, the whole country is proud of you….your effort has not gone waste….the next time there will be ten people like you and 100 the time after that……..I’m proud of you my boy…..” A few of the volunteers are seen weeping.

Scene CXV: Victory procession for the opponent. Watched on TV by Prof….it hurts him to watch this.

Scene CXVI – A few days later: Ram: “Prof. I have some good movies for you to watch…come come you’ll like them…..” inserts a VCD into the player and switches on the TV.

Prof: “Ram, this is not the time, why are you wasting your time. Go attend a few interviews……” his mouth wide open as he stares at the images on the TV.

Seen on the TV are images proving gross violations of the Model Code of Conduct by members of Dashkant camp who supported the winner of the tied result.

Ram: “Hidden cameras sir! Very useful little things! My friend Anjan has been busy all these days. He and Geetha have filmed the whole thing.”

Prof: “But how….?”

Ram: “Anjan sir has been working undercover………we planned this a long time ago. It’s a long story. Anjan got arrested recently and some phony charges were made against him. Dashkant threatened to have him framed for murder if he did not agree to be their spy. So, when Anjan told me about everything….we got a good idea! Anjan is very good with people you know. They were about to accept him as a member of their party!”

After a while: Prof: “Ram! Ram! My boy, my boy, ha! ha! ha! do you know what this means..ha! ha!”, absolutely elated…

Ram: “Yes sir, I just handed over a copy to the appropriate authorities. We must thank that police officer for his support” The same pair of naughty but intelligent eyes as seen in the MBA classroom years ago.

Ram: “Prof. do you think I’ll look good in white?”

Scene CXVII: Two months later: Prof. reopens his old file to add a new clipping - ‘THE HINDU’ dt. 1st July, 2009, ‘It can be done, anyone can do it! – Victorious new M.P.’ -after winning the case.

He runs his finger across the picture of a victorious Ram. We hear Ram taking the Oath of Office.

*The End*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked all the twists and the turns in the story.I liked the ending very much as it is novel. I like the fact that it talks about one particular rule of the Indian Elections that's silly and surprising at the same time! I would love to see this story come true in real life. It sure will make a good movie.